Too Much of a Not-So-Good Thing

It’s enough to gag a maggot.

The Democrats and their trusty sidekick, reporter Jennifer McKee, who, I am absolutely sure, are totally committed to protecting their own Constitutional rights such as Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press, are apparently totally comfortable sacrificing the rights of anybody they disagree with. Like that pesky little thingy in the – what – Fifth Amendment? – that sorta says something to the effect that in this country a person is considered innocent until PROVEN guilty.

They’ve hoped, they’ve dreamed, they’ve fantisized even – that Conrad Burns would be indicted over the Abramoff scandals. And here it is – the last few weeks of the campaign and the DOJ has let them down. Senator Burns is NOT a target of any investigation. Dang it. They just can’t catch a break. Poor babies.

They clutch desperately to their last shred of hope – the “testimony” of that scoundrel and convicted felon, Jack Abramoff, himself. In a much touted Vanity Fair article, Abramoff bragged about his complete access to the Senator. How pathetic! These deluded souls have hitched their wagons to the rantings of a narcissistic, self-agrandizing liar. Remember all those times Abramoff was quoted about his extensive personal ties to the President? And it turned out that he had spent – oh, about forty-five minutes total – at the White House over a period of about four years. And always at those intimate little functions for five hundred or so of the President’s nearest and dearest friends. Might the guy have a bit of tendancy to hyperbole? Ya’ think?

Yet Jim Ferrell and his buddies continue to beat the dead horse. So what if Conrad isn’t a target? They’ll just have Jennifer McKee drag out a few dusty tricks from the School of Yellow Journalism (her alma mater?) and – presto – there’s a story in the newspaper* about an “article in a magazine” quoting “anonymous sources” claiming that “someone in the Justice Department” is investigating whether Senator Burns is a “subject” of an investigation.

There’s less substance in that story than in a Paris Hilton conversation on molecular biology! Get over it already! There is no “there” there.

To be perfectly candid, I don’t understand the strategy with this tactic. The people who are buying into it are already anti-Burns – no new votes in that camp. The true undecided voters out there are weighing all this blather about Abramoff against the stories about Jon Tester going to San Francisco and Washington DC to hob-nob with and raise money from the elite left-wing liberal lobbyists. The smart ones have figured out that Tester will be beholden to the liberals who are funding his campaign, and will base his votes on how THEY feel about gun control, abortion, immigration, national security, the war on terror, and taxation. Given the basic conservatism of the Montana voter, I wouldn’t want to have the spotlight on Tester’s political allies and new best friends if I were running his campaign.

As much as the democrats hate to let go of it, the Abramoff controversy is more fiction and wishful thinking than fact. But the other side of the coin – the funding from the likes of George Sorros, and the special interest groups and PACs of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Teddy Kennedy, NARAL, and Hollywood – is a reality for Jon Tester. Just wait until the next campaign finance reports come out!

At that point Jon is going to think his promise to kill the Patriot Act was the high point in his campagn.

*BTW – This “story” appears almost verbatim on the Montana democrat party website without attribution to Ms. McKee. So who’s plagerizing whom?