Governor Schweitzer – known fondly in some circles as “BS Shyster” – has been getting away with a huge scam perpetrated on the good citizens of Montana. For the last seven or eight years he has been selling himself as a “different kind of Democrat” because he knows that Montana voters don’t take too kindly to the progressive liberals like Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and that crew. So he dresses up in jeans and bolo tie and keeps Jag close by to complete the “down-home” persona. But the mask that has been hiding the politician behind the good ol’ boy is melting…
Let’s take just a few little peeks at the wizard behind the curtain. 1.) He’s rich. Seriously rich. Just where did the governor’s fortune come from? BS keeps telling us he comes from modest means and yet the only job we know he’s had in the last seven years – the governorship – pays less than $100k/year. So if Mom and Dad didn’t subsidize the family, and figuring he’s brought home an average of about $22,000/yr after taxes if we only count the money he’s admitted to making – how does this guy pay the bills, feed the kiddies and the ol’ lady, and galavant all over the state campaigning for four out of the last six and a half years? He claims to be frugal – but c’mon now – he’s got money coming in from somewhere! During the 2004 campaign there were many calls for the candidates to disclose their financial history. Bob Brown produced all his tax records for twenty years. BS claimed it wasn’t any of our business – we could just trust him. Right. And since the election he has released his individual income tax returns- just like he promised – but what do you want to bet there’s a Trust or two that he’s not mentioning? You can’t really say he’s lying – the Trusts file separate returns. And since Montana is one of three states that don’t require our state leaders to disclose their financial holdings we don’t have a clue where the good gov got his spending cash.
We know he’s got it – and lots of it – but where does it come from??? Consulting contracts with the House of Saud??? That’d would be a hoot, wouldn’t it? I mean BS is leading the parade on alternate energy development in this state, isn’t he? Look at all the ethanol plants that have been built since January 2005! See all the new wind farms (not counting the ones that were approved prior to his election)? And – wow – aren’t you impressed with the coal gasification projects around the state? Oh, wait – maybe we’re getting hot air confused with wind energy. Sorry. So why don’t we have anything to show for all that enthusiasm he’s been generating in lieu of real energy? Perhaps his “real” employers don’t want any energy competition?
Today’s papers are carrying the story about the mansion that BS is building on Georgetown Lake. Somehow the poor kid from Whitefish was able to frugal his way into a multimillion dollar cedar and stone showplace on some of the most expensive real estate in the whole state. And we, my fellow Montanans, have no right to know where that money came/comes from.
I don’t think so.
Next time we’ll look at the shell game BS is playing with ethics. That’s a fun one too.