Are They Out of Their Friggin’ Minds????


During these challenging economic times, all options for attracting new business should be on the table.

This from the Gazette:

Economic development officials in Hardin are looking at the soon-to-close detention facility in Guantanamo Bay as a possible fix for the jail sitting empty in Hardin. President Barack Obama signed an executive order Jan. 22 to close the Guantanamo detention facilities in Cuba where hundreds of enemy combatants have been held since 2002. The closure is to occur in a year, during which time remaining detainees must be returned to their home countries or detained elsewhere. Meanwhile, a 460-bed detention facility sits empty in Hardin. Built by Two Rivers Authority, the city’s economic development arm, the facility was meant to bring economic development to Hardin by creating more than 100 high-paying jobs.

The Hardin City Council voted Tuesday to support Two Rivers’ efforts. The council resolution states that the city “fully supports the efforts of the Two Rivers Authority to contact State and Federal officials for the purpose of inquiring into the possibility of housing Guantanamo detainees at the Two Rivers Authority in Hardin, Montana, and to determine whether the Two Rivers Detention Center could provide a safe and secure environment for housing said detainees.”

And just to allay any possible concerns the locals might have about – uh – safety and security…

If someone were to escape, Smith said, there aren’t any huge buildings nearby to dodge into. Montana is pretty homogenous, so detainees, many of Middle Eastern descent, would not easily blend into crowds, he said.

Well, that’s a relief!

So we probably shouldn’t be concerned with this newest proposal for the still unopened jail facility in Hardin? Let me think about that for a minute. Uh, yeah, I’m concerned.

For some reason, I feel a bit more comfortable if Montana isn’t a focus of international terrorism.

Let’s not.

Well, Things Could Change in a Week


We’re coming up on that most American of milestones – the first 100 days of a new president’s administration. Looking back over the past few weeks as we evaluate the performance and achievements of The One’s initial foray into the real world – where he actually had to do something and make choices and decisions and that sort of thing, the jury is returning with the verdict.

Methinks the Obamobots may have a bit of a PR problem. And it’s not just me. I have been given permission to share this comment posted on an open thread on one of my favorite sites, HillBuzz.

H/T to “Skating on Glue” – one of the regular visitors to a truly super blog.

What do I think of the first 100 days of dear leader’s first five year plan?

As regards domestic policy:

A slapdash, jawdroppingly inept pastiche of schoolboy socialist wetdreams, mixed with the revenge fantasies of an abandoned and bitter toddler.

Over this foul brew sprinkle a fine blended infusion of enemies lists, continuance of renditions, expansion of wiretapping powers, and the demonization of people exercising freedom of speech contrary to his doltish, spoon fed utterances.

As regards foreign policy:

A towering display of cloddish, brutish behavior with the root premise and goal being to make this callow oaf “popular” with foreign people, no matter how foul and despotic they might be.

I have come to the sad realization that the concept of foreign policy being the careful orchestration of balancing our country’s interests with those of our allies and then the rest of the world has been trashed- all in favor of a cheapjack carney hustler’s worldwide medicine show and revival.

As regards economic policy:

Our president-in-thief displays a notably blockheaded ignorance in this arena. His particularly moronic brand of smiling Keynesianism is inescapably Keynesianism, no matter how much lipstick he puts on the pig – a strategy that has never worked for any country, at any time, anywhere on this planet.

It was most recently tried by Japan in the 90’s, on a scale proportionally larger than Odumbass is currently attempting- and the result was a decade of stagflation and no growth.

Like the English dude said a couple weeks ago- you cannot spend your way out of a recession, and you cannot borrow your way out of debt.

This grinning, jug-eared Alfred E. Newman lookalike is also responsible for a new phenomenon- the “Destroyer of Markets corollary”.

This corollary describes the phenomenon whereby every time this stuttering halfwit addresses the American public about the economy, his sub-grammar school grasp of the subject causes the DJIA to drop a minimum of 100 points immediately after he finishes blowing all that st-st-st-st-stupid out his pie hole.

To sum up- only 100 days, and this clown college dropout has caused damage that will take generations to undo.

Other than that, though, he’s probably done ok.

And So It Begins


Today, in accordance with the Montana Constitution, the four leaders of the two houses of the legislature announced their appointments for the Redistricting Commission that will determined the political landscape of Montana following the 2010 census. Senate Majority Leader Jim Peterson started the ball rolling by announcing Linda Vaughey as his choice. Linda is a former Commissioner of Political Practices, and has held a number of appointed positions over the years. Democrat House Majority Leader Margaret Campbell, in what was no surprise, appointed Joe Lamson who was instrumental in drawing the districts the last go-around. Senator Carol Williams appointed Pat Smith, a Missoula attorney and previous member of the Redistricting Board. The final appointment by Rep. Scott Sales was to Jon Bennion, a Helena attorney and historian.

These four people are charged with selecting a fifth member of the Commission; if they cannot agree, the decision falls to the Supreme Court.

In the past, the details of this body’s make-up and actions ended up well below the radar screens of most Montanans, and certainly not on the front pages of the local papers. It is because of this secrecy that Montanans are not equally represented in our state legislature. Many of our legislative districts are well over the 1% population deviation, and many others well under – meaning some Montanans have a greater voice in their governance than others.

For all of you who supported the TEA Parties and believe that your government isn’t paying attention to you, this is really where you need to focus your efforts for the next twenty days. If you think Montana’s current Supreme Court reflects your political views, you probably don’t have to worry; however if you think perhaps the majority of the Court is a little too liberal for your tastes, you probably want to get involved in making sure this process isn’t conducted in the deep, dark recesses of Democratic Party Headquarters.

This isn’t some esoteric, inside baseball kind of thing. This is where the long-term implications of governance starts. We saw thousands of Montanans – all over the state – braving the nasty spring weather to draw attention to their dissatisfaction with “politics as usual”. Coming together, waving signs is all well and good. But by themselves, such demonstrations have little to no lasting impact. If you really want change, you have to get involved, stay involved, learn the processes, watch, and DO SOMETHING!

You can start by contacting each member of the Redistricting Commission and letting them know that you want this process to be fair, unbiased, non-partisan, and transparent. Let them know that you will be watching and you expect them to live up to the Constitutional responsibilities they have assumed.

Vigilance is key.

Let It Not Be Said That We Did Nothing

Update: About 250 – 300 people gathered at the state capitol during the lunch hour to protest the out-of-control spending of Congress and the Administration. Standing in wet, snowy weather for over an hour these citizens let the country know they are aware and they aren’t supporting the current tax and spend policies. The political elite had better start listening.


Tomorrow, in cities and towns across America, everyday, average, ordinary Americans have a unique opportunity to let their elected officials know that we are watching, we do know what they are doing, and – most importantly – we do not approve.

TEA Parties around the country offer the “little guy” the chance to join in a chorus that can be heard from every corner of the country – a chance to share the message that we shall not be ignored.

But like any other opportunity, if you don’t take advantage of it, you lose it. If only a few turn out, the liberals and their left wing media will label us as “right wing nuts”, “radicals”, “kooks”,or some such, in an effort to diminish our impact. They will try to do this no matter what the crowd size, but – just like Obama’s bow to the king of Saudi Arabia – the people watching can see the truth!

If you think the TARP Bailout, the Stimulus Package, and the current pork-laden Budget are good things – stay home. If, on the other hand, you are concerned that this administration’s spending spree and overall economic policies are unwise and portend bad things for the future of this country – get off the couch, out of the office, away from the TV and computer for an hour or two and SHOW UP AT A TEA PARTY NEAR YOU!

There are events planned in Billings, Bozeman, Missoula, Great Falls, Stevensville, Hamilton, Polson, Fort Benton, Glendive, Livingston, Kalispell, Virginia City, and at the capitol in Helena. If you know of others, let me know by commenting on this post. Find one near you and make plans to attend.

Your actions tomorrow will speak volumes. What are you going to say?

Someone will be listening.



Attention all Whos!
Attention all Whos!
We’ve got to be heard!
There’s no time to lose!

So send up a shout
Make it loud! Make it clear!
We are here! We are here!
We are here! We are here!

Baby Watch

Update: He’s here! Introducing Micah Ryan Caldwell:


Alert. The. Media.

New baby on the way.

Little Micah Caldwell expected to make an appearance sometime between now and whenever. (You know babies – they don’t understand how anxious we are to count the itty-bitty fingers and toes!) Grandpa, Grandma, and Uncle Kev waiting patiently.

Blogs, Birth Certificates, & Bows

Those “B” words sure can cause a lot of trouble for this administration. It started with all the fuss about Obama’s birth certificate – or the lack thereof. Back before the election, and for several weeks thereafter, stories about The One’s eligibility to hold the highest office in the land were rampant in the blogosphere. What with all the lawsuits, and the short-form certificate, and the legal maneuverings of a phalanx of high-priced defense attorneys, cyberspace was jam-packed with speculating, opining, and editorializing of unprecedented volumes.

One would hardly believe that such a phenomenon would occur again in our lifetime.

Yet here we are – a scant 70-something days into the Obamassiah’s presidency and the internet is going bonkers again – over a bow. During the G20 Apology Tour, our new president was introduced to several of the world’s leaders, including Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain, Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Silvio Burlesconi of Italy, and King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia, among others. Pictures and videos abound of these historic introductions and many have even noted how casual the interaction between the President and Her Majesty was. That’s nothing to the firestorm of commentary that this video of Obe and Abdullah has ignited.


Ok – major political faux pas. The President of the United States NEVER show subservience to any foreign leader by bowing.

But then, in true political cover-up fashion, the WH communications staff turn a tempest in a teacup into a full-fledged news disaster. “The White House is denying that the president bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London, a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets. ‘It wasn’t a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he’s taller than King Abdullah,’ said an Obama aide. who spoke on the condition of anonymity.”

It’s kinda hard to make that one fly when film of Obama’s meetings with the Queen who tops out at about 5 feet, and Sarkozy and Burlesconi who both hit about 5-5 on the measuring stick fail to show the face-to-the-floor, head at belt buckle level, genuflecting right knee posture displayed to the Saudi king who is about 5-9 according to most reports.

The Obamabots are peddling the fiction that what you see is not a bow, but they don’t seem to be able to make the sale. In less than six hours that one column has garnered almost two thousand comments and who knows how many hits. The various videos on YouTube and a couple of other sites have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times. The general consensus seems to be that It’s a bow and Babdad Bob is now employed in the White House press office.

Hmmm – “B” words: Blogs, Birth certificate, Bow, Bagdad Bob.

How about “Busted”?

Debt Star


“Americans now owe more than they are worth for the first time ever.” The guests on CNBC this morning – Jim Nussle and David Walker sound the alarm about the administration’s out of control spending to such a level that Becky and Carl, the hopelessly liberal hosts, are left practically speechless.

Find out about a Tax Day TEA Party in your area and make plans to attend. Details for Helena’s event are here.


It’s not often that there’s something so apropos…


Now, you understand what I was thinking when I named this blog. Unfortunately, I didn’t know at the time just how close it would come to reality. Damn.