During these challenging economic times, all options for attracting new business should be on the table.
This from the Gazette:
Economic development officials in Hardin are looking at the soon-to-close detention facility in Guantanamo Bay as a possible fix for the jail sitting empty in Hardin. President Barack Obama signed an executive order Jan. 22 to close the Guantanamo detention facilities in Cuba where hundreds of enemy combatants have been held since 2002. The closure is to occur in a year, during which time remaining detainees must be returned to their home countries or detained elsewhere. Meanwhile, a 460-bed detention facility sits empty in Hardin. Built by Two Rivers Authority, the city’s economic development arm, the facility was meant to bring economic development to Hardin by creating more than 100 high-paying jobs.
The Hardin City Council voted Tuesday to support Two Rivers’ efforts. The council resolution states that the city “fully supports the efforts of the Two Rivers Authority to contact State and Federal officials for the purpose of inquiring into the possibility of housing Guantanamo detainees at the Two Rivers Authority in Hardin, Montana, and to determine whether the Two Rivers Detention Center could provide a safe and secure environment for housing said detainees.”
And just to allay any possible concerns the locals might have about – uh – safety and security…
If someone were to escape, Smith said, there aren’t any huge buildings nearby to dodge into. Montana is pretty homogenous, so detainees, many of Middle Eastern descent, would not easily blend into crowds, he said.
Well, that’s a relief!
So we probably shouldn’t be concerned with this newest proposal for the still unopened jail facility in Hardin? Let me think about that for a minute. Uh, yeah, I’m concerned.
For some reason, I feel a bit more comfortable if Montana isn’t a focus of international terrorism.
Let’s not.