Got enough “HOPE”? More to the point… got any “CHANGE”?
The last week has been a touch hard on the wallet. On Sunday gas was $2.99 a gallon, today it’s over $3.19 and shooting sky-high faster than an Apollo rocket. By next Saturday, I’ll have to stop for a loan before I fill the tank. For some reason, the idea just doesn’t thrill me. Over the past several months I’ve watched as the price of groceries has followed the same trajectory – up, up, up, and away. And there’s no ceiling in sight.
What’s a girl to do?
Why, join the Resistance, of course!
What is the Resistance, you ask? Let me enlighten you…
The Resistance is a grassroots movement to counter the narrative being promulgated by the Obama regime that a majority of the country supports the policies and programs that have been instituted over the past three years and have caused the current economic situation we find ourselves in. It’s a counter-insurgency designed to illuminate the lies, deceptions, and misdirection of the media, the socialists and enviro-whackos running the country.
It’s a guerrilla campaign to let your friends and neighbors know that they aren’t the only ones who are frustrated and fed up.
Most of all, it’s fun, easy and effective. It’s the Sticky Note Campaign. It started over a year ago, but has seen a sudden re-emergence in the last few days.
Basically, you take a pad of sticky notes and write a short, simple message conveying outrage over the hike in gas and grocery prices (or anything else, for that matter!) and leave them on gas pumps, grocery shelves, restaurants – any place where people are likely to “get it”.
Sticky Notes ready? Vive la Resistance!
Here are some possible slogans for your personal mini-war (and feel free to share any clever slogans of your own):