New Show on HGTV?

I confess, sometimes I do watch a show or two on a network other than FOX News. Actually, I spend a fair amount of recreational viewing time tuned to HGTV and DIY Network. Would that my house looked like it was Divined Designed. Or Color Splashed. Possibly even House Crashed. I could deal with it. Trust me.

So I was curious when I discovered there might be a couple of new home improvement programs starting in the coming weeks. DIY has been trumpeting “Disaster House” which will premier in two weeks.

Disaster House suffers very real damage like dropping a half-ton piano from almost 10 stories high, sponsoring the first sanctioned roller derby inside the living room, and having Page, an 8,000-pound African Elephant, help clog the toilet.

Okay – that may be a bit over the top for me – especially the elephant in the toilet thing. Yuck. I think I’ll pass on that one.

The other show I heard about is called F.L.I.P. This House. Of course, my initial reaction was “already seen that”. And given the tanking of house prices over the past year or two it didn’t seem like the premise held enough potential for a new series. But, I figured I’d check it out. I mean, I’m a sucker for watching an out-dated, run-down, tired old structure revamped, spruced up, and once more a source of pride.

Turns out this program isn’t a made-for-TV series. It’s much more. It’s a made-for-America proposal, designed to totally reverse the irresponsible policies of the liberal Reid/Pelosi Congress. The teaser goes like this:

Tired of the political status quo
and Big Government Statism?
Then it’s time to Flip This House!


Starting with the 2010 elections conservative citizens have the opportunity to throw out the accumulated trash and porkulus currently defiling our nation’s capital. And the final reveal will be something to celebrate if these four design principles are adhered to: Free markets, Limited government, Individual and family liberties, & Private property and prosperity.

Move over Candice, David, and all you other design stars – American Patriots are moving in on your gig,

7 thoughts on “New Show on HGTV?

  1. Hey, this is the real deal! I clicked on the “Free markets, Limited government, individual and family Liberties, & Private property and prosperity” link Auntie Lib provided….try it, you’ll like it.

  2. I hear the DNC cranking up support for the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ again. They can’t allow programs like that to interfer with their ‘Hope and Change’. The public might find out the truth, like Murtha’s airport.

  3. Hey RP – glad to have you stop in again! Hope you don’t stay away too long this time. Given that the original show has been off the air for a couple of seasons – I don’t think there’s much problem.

  4. Thanks, BCM. I’ve just been lurking without much to contribute.

    I like that slogan, hope it catches on and maybe even bleeds over to some of the upcoming State races. I hate to think what this State would look like after 2 or 3 legislative sessions with the D’s holding majorities everywhere.

  5. Let’s hope we can keep that nightmare waiting to materialize for quite a while. I think some of the more moderate voters and indy’s that swung left last election are now having voters remorse and will return to the fold next election. Let’s hope so because R’s had less than a 1% margin for statewide votes in the House last election, which quite frankly amazes for a State that supposedly is conservative and doesn’t want government to interfere in their lives. I agree – recruiting good candidates is tough and time is growing short. The “recruiting team” has their work cut out.

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