Genuine Obama Birth Certificate Published…(finally!)

After all these months of frustration and ridicule by the Obamabots, those of us who have been demanding that the President-elect release his “official birth certificate”, can now return to the caves from whence we ventured forth to question the eligibility of The One. Never again shall his veracity existence be questioned. No longer is there a question of whether or not he was a “natural born” citizen of the United States of America. The suspense is over. The proof is here for all to see:


Go here or here for more on this exciting revelation. If nothing else, you’ll find yourself cracking up.!

What the …????

Ok – I left work at 5, the temperature was balmy and there was nary a flake in the air. A block later, it was raining. Within 10 minutes the wind was howling and the rain had turned to sleet. NBD. This is Montana, it’s December. Next thing I know, snow is whirling and swirling so hard visibility is practically nil and – I am not kidding! – it’s thundering and lightening is flashing across the sky.

Hey, I know you can have all four seasons in one day in Montana – but in one storm?!?!? If this is climate change, I’m not so sure I’m ready for it.

Winter in Montana


It’s winter in Montana
And the gentle breezes blow
Seventy miles an hour
At twenty-five below.

Oh, how I love Montana
When the snow’s up to your butt
You take a breath of winter
And your nose gets frozen shut.

Yes, the weather here is wonderful
So I guess I’ll hang around
I could never leave Montana
‘Cause I’m frozen to the ground!

Generous to a Fault

The American public has long been known as the most generous in the world. Earthquakes, sunamis, epidemics, famine, hurricanes, tornadoes – you name it – natural or man-made disaster anywhere on the planet and we’re right there with help. Our hearts and wallets open with amazing speed and few, if any, questions asked.

This year is no different: Wall Street falls on tough times and our elected officials in the blink of an eye offer $700 billion of our hard-earned dollars to help out those poor souls who can’t make it on their half-million dollar annual salaries while scamming the pants off of the unsuspecting “investor class”. That was after they doled out a chunk of change to Freddie and Fannie and AIG to save them from the consequences of some incredibly stupid (not to mention criminal) business decisions. And, in what is, hopefully, his last act of “compassionate conservatism”, President Bush threw another few billion at the Big Three (or Two of the Big Three, anyway) to thwart a potential tanking of the last vestiges of the American manufacturing industry. Now we learn that we’re making one more Santa Claus gesture this holiday season: We’re giving every single one of our Senators and Representatives a $4,700 raise.

It never ceases to amaze me how thoughtful and giving we Americans are.

A Ball By Any Other Name…

In these tough economic times (which will most likely turn into “brightening economic times” on January 21, but we’ll discuss that later) our own governor in a politically sensitive gesture announced that there would be no Inaugural Ball to celebrate his re-election and the successful Democrat sweep of all statewide offices. Media reports around the state applauded this decision. The Helena Insufficient Independent Record going so far as to give it a “Thumbs-up to Gov. Brian Schweitzer for deciding against having an inaugural ball early next year. Given the state of the economy, and the fact that he’s busy cutting back on his proposed state budget, holding a glitzy inaugural celebration would have been a rather tone deaf thing to do.”

But late last week, termed-out Senator Dave Gallik sent out letters on his official stationery imploring fellow Montanans (probably mostly lobbyists – but I don’t know that for a fact. It’s just who got hit up four years ago) to fork over some moolah for the big Inaugural Party at the Great Northern Hotel.

Guess in Brian’s World there’s a huge difference between a glitzy ball and a big party. I think the only difference is that the governor doesn’t have to wear a tux or dance with his wife with the crowd looking on.

Price of Sarcasm Hitting New Highs

There’s a reason that many of us supported Fred Thompson’s bid for the presidency – unfortunately we didn’t see enough of this side of him during the campaign. If sarcasm were a commodity, the increased use of it in this video would cause the price to skyrocket. Sit down and watch the whole thing. He nails the economic issues facing us and brilliantly skewers the “experts” who continue to bring forth the most asinine solutions to the problems.