In these tough economic times (which will most likely turn into “brightening economic times” on January 21, but we’ll discuss that later) our own governor in a politically sensitive gesture announced that there would be no Inaugural Ball to celebrate his re-election and the successful Democrat sweep of all statewide offices. Media reports around the state applauded this decision. The Helena Insufficient Independent Record going so far as to give it a “Thumbs-up to Gov. Brian Schweitzer for deciding against having an inaugural ball early next year. Given the state of the economy, and the fact that he’s busy cutting back on his proposed state budget, holding a glitzy inaugural celebration would have been a rather tone deaf thing to do.”
But late last week, termed-out Senator Dave Gallik sent out letters on his official stationery imploring fellow Montanans (probably mostly lobbyists – but I don’t know that for a fact. It’s just who got hit up four years ago) to fork over some moolah for the big Inaugural Party at the Great Northern Hotel.
Guess in Brian’s World there’s a huge difference between a glitzy ball and a big party. I think the only difference is that the governor doesn’t have to wear a tux or dance with his wife with the crowd looking on.
Wow. Have you seen a copy of the letter? Does it say “inaugural ball?” If so, that’s pretty outrageous. Doesn’t Gallik’s wife work for the governor?
I don’t understand. Gov BS said he pulled the MT economy out of financial ruin all by himself after Judy M. Why does he not pull another rabbit out of his hat? I’m pretty sure he said to the MT citizens that he was a grand master financial wizard and that he personally saved MT from financial ruin.
Just do it again BS so you can have your little party.
sarc off
Climber ~ The letter specifically does not refer to the event as an “inaugural ball”, but what’s the big difference between a big party and a ball if the intent is to recognize the tough economic situation? Seems like a difference without a distinction to me.
And I believe Mrs. Gallik works at OPI.
I have always wondered
Does the Governor have big balls-or no balls. I am still wondering……..
Thanks. It is all looking to be an incestuous kind of relationship in the capital building. I suspect there are a lot of interlocking relationships between all those state offices. Consider how Lindeen has now hired the governor’s brother as her top aide, and the governor’s sister in law has been working for McGrath. Schweitzer has put together quite a political machine, and I’m not quite sure why the press has been ignoring it…
climber: … it’s because the press is afraid of the bully! He gets so many free passes it is sickening! There are so many things he’s done that the press knows about, but they won’t report it. And if they do make a half-hearted attempt at it, they gloss things over and make them sound ‘cute’. Aw shucks. The people should insist he use the funds left over from his last ball (and it was a big chunk of change); he never gave an itemized account of how much he wrangled from the lobbyists and how it was spent. Yep, he’s got a cozy thing going at the Capitol. LET’S HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE!!!