The Bozeman TEA Party organizers (designated as right wing-nuts by the MSM) have been working diligently to put together their follow-up to the Tax Day TEA Party – a big whoop-de-do on the 4th of July. Part of the celebration was to be a parade on Main Street in downtown. As things are wont to be, the local bureaucracy reared it’s bureaucratic head and collided with the First Amendment. Turns out that Freedom of Speech isn’t quite the same thing as free (lower case) speech. And the City of Bozeman has a price tag for shutting down the street. Well, since the TEA Party group wasn’t all that interested in forking over more money to pay for city services that they felt should be covered by the tax dollars already in the community coffers, they raised a bit of a ruckus at the city council meeting the other night and got the elected officials to overturn the bureaucrats’ decision to charge to close the street.
Enter the left wing-nuts. Calling themselves the “Green Coalition of Gay Loggers for Jesus”. Honest. I couldn’t make that up. And they decide to have their own parade in downtown Bozeman. But – here’s the kicker – they offered to pay the cost for closing the street by raising funds as a protest against the TEA Party group. They actually raised about $500 more than they needed. You have to hand it to them.
So the celebration goes on in Bozo in fine American style. Left and right; solemn and snarky; serious and silly in equal parts. Patriotic through and through.
Freedom to be who we are and what we are. Freedom to think what we want and say it out loud – no matter who is listening or whether or not they agree with us. And ultimately the Freedom to Celebrate America because someone else has paid the price. For that I am humbled – mostly because of the sacrifice of those who have paid and are willing to pay the ultimate price – but also for those who saw a way to make a political point with a smile and a contribution to a cause. It’s the American Way. God bless us – every one of us!!!
So here’s to the Green Coalition of Gay Loggers for Jesus. Listen and sing along.