Just Senile? – Or The Truth Slips Out???

Congressman John Dingle – who’s been around since Jesus wore knee-pants – was interviewed about ObamaCare recently. As you will hear, he’s not too cognizant about the exact number of people the plan will impact, but he seems to understand the ultimate goal of the liberal agenda: Total control of the American people:

This is what we knew all along and this is why a majority of Americans have refused to embrace this horrible legislation. We knew that it wasn’t about improving health care, or access to health care, or anything of the sort. It was and is about increasing government control over the economy and the lives of every single one of us.

So – if you haven’t been outraged before – this is your wake-up call! Get off your sofas and join the Resistance. If we don’t stop them now, the Land of the Free will soon be the land of the Land of the Sold.

Oh, Now I Understand

Let me get this straight……we now have a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president that also hasn’t read it, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke.

What could possibly go wrong????

With Heavy Heart

Ready or not – here it comes. Complete with the Louisiana Purchase, Cornhusker Kickback, Gator Aid, and all the rest of the bribes, back-room deals, and secret promises that were necessary to pass this incredibly unpopular piece of legislation through the Senate.

The bill has passed – 219 – 212.

The final slap in the face of the American people was the supercilious announcement by drama-queen Bart Stupak that he is satisfied that an unenforceable executive order will prohibit something that is clearly allowed in the bill he has agreed to support – just after his district was given some $700,000 in unexpected largess for three airports. The Stupak bribe? Methinks so. As I listen to his “after-vote” dissertation, trying to justify his flip-flop as somehow being a noble act on behalf of the unborn, I can’t help but think he has tied the noose on the rope. The fallout has already started…

“This Wednesday night is our 3rd annual Campaign for Life Gala, where we were planning to honor Congressman Stupak for his efforts to keep abortion-funding out of health care reform. We will no longer be doing so. By accepting this deal from the most pro-abortion President in American history, Stupak has not only failed to stand strong for unborn children, but also for his constituents and pro-life voters across the country.

“Let me be clear: any representative, including Rep. Stupak, who votes for this healthcare bill can no longer call themselves ‘pro-life.’ The SBA List Candidate Fund will not endorse, or support in any capacity, any Member of Congress who votes for this bill in any future election.

“Now through Election Day 2010, these representatives will learn that votes have consequences. The SBA List Candidate Fund will work tirelessly to help defeat Members who support this legislation and make sure their constituents know exactly how they voted.

There are at least five Democrats who will receive pink slips this November – Stupak will be first. Check out the Facebook page of his Republican opponent a political neophyte who threw his hat in the ring less than a week ago. At four o’clock this afternoon he had about 200 “friends”. By the time the bill passed, over 8,600 people had signed up to support his campaign. Stupak’s opposition is outraged and energized.

Time will tell if the spin the Dems are trying to put on this abomination will resonate with the American public. Somehow I just don’t think Americans are that gullible. It will be interesting to find out just how many grateful Americans will actually receive those benefits that are supposedly coming their way in the next few months. And even more interesting to see if they show their gratitude by supporting Dem candidates with their money and their votes in this upcoming election.

The King of Montana

Perhaps some of us weren’t paying enough attention over the past six years. Recent edicts issuing from the East Wing of the Montana capitol could certainly lead one to believe that at some point the elected office of governor evolved into a self-annointed monarchy.

As the tanking revenues coming into the state coffers made budget cuts an unavoidable reality, His Highness has steadfastly refused to include the Legislature in the process. Now with the potential of additional coins filling the royal treasury, the king is considering how he will disperse his munificence across Big Sky Country:

Schweitzer said he may personally inspect the projects to make sure they are worthy. And, in an apparent jab to Republicans, he said he may not send money to districts of legislators who originally opposed allocating the stimulus money last year in House Bill 645.

Sen. Dave Lewis, a Helena Republican, was among the first to raise the issue of the frozen funding. A new firehouse in Ryegate, currently on hold after the administration’s decision, is in Lewis’ district. “Remind the governor that I voted for House Bill 645 — and if I have to come up there and kiss his ring to get the firehouse in Ryegate, I will do that,” Lewis said.

So much for the rights of the minority.

Babysitters Wanted

We all know that there are philosophical differences between Democrats and Republicans. Republicans favor smaller government, lower taxes, and self-determination.

Democrats, on the other hand, according to Montana Democratic Party Chairman Jim Elliott, are looking for babysitters:

“People vote for people who they think will take care of them,”

So if you’re looking for someone to feed you, burp you, change your diapers, and tell you when it’s time to go nighty-night – the Dems are the party for you.

If you think you might have a little bit better grasp on how you want to live your life, run your business, and raise your family, you might want to vote for someone who thinks they are elected to serve you and represent your best interests.

Just saying.

The Murder of Innocents

As the tension ratchets up on Obamacare, the Pelosi-led Democrats are becoming more and more deranged in their efforts to gain support of a plan that is opposed by the majority of her caucus (so far), the Republicans, and the American people.

They are focusing on the pro-life Democrats who have been insisting on specific language that prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion. As of today they have succeeded in lopping off one or two of the dozen members who were in favor of the Stupak amendment. Their latest ploy to justify mutiny is a preposterous attempt to sound fiscally responsible:

“If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more. Quite an illuminating statement– a Democrat admits left-wing congressional colleagues support butchering the unborn to benefit the bottom line. “

Excuse me???? Murder innocent babies to control costs of government healthcare? Who gets to make this choice – the woman or some government bureaucrat who has a budget to balance? How absolutely, disgustingly, crassly, obnoxiously, pathetically insensitive can they get?

Wait until tomorrow – I’m sure we’ll find out.


Just when you think things can’t get any more bizarre in the House of Pelosi…

Would House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow House Democratic leaders try to cram the Senate version of Obamacare through the House without actually having a recorded vote on the bill?
Not only is the answer yes, they would, they have figured out a way to do it, according to National Journal’s Congress Daily:
“House Rules Chairwoman Louise Slaughter is prepping to help usher the healthcare overhaul through the House and potentially avoid a direct vote on the Senate overhaul bill, the chairwoman said Tuesday.
“Slaughter is weighing preparing a rule that would consider the Senate bill passed once the House approves a corrections bill that would make changes to the Senate version.
“Slaughter has not taken the plan to Speaker Pelosi as Democrats await CBO scores on the corrections bill. ‘Once the CBO gives us the score, we’ll spring right on it,’ she said.”

Each bill that comes before the House for a vote on final passage must be given a rule that determines things like whether the minority would be able to offer amendments to it from the floor. In the Slaughter Solution, the rule would declare that the House “deems” the Senate version of Obamacare to have been passed by the House.

There are no words.

Who’s In Charge of Those Death Panels?

Sometimes you have to back off a bit and examine a situation from a different perspective. Such is the case with Obama’s healthcare plan.

All this time, the majority of the American public have been outraged at both the process and the product that have been thrust upon them via this monstrosity. Whether acknowledged or not, underlying the unease that many Americans have about the plan is the absolute fact that rationing is an inherent component of any system that purports to provide coverage to a significantly larger segment of the population. Call it what you will, but some bureaucrat will ultimately decide – either on a case by case basis, or categorically – whether or not you, your grandma, or your child is eligible to receive some type of medical treatment.

Up to this point, most republicans, conservatives, and independents, as well as many democrats, have been consistently opposed to the Democrats’ proposals. The latest Rasmussen poll shows only 22% strongly support the Obama-Reid-Pelosi plan. I wonder how long those folks would continue to push for the plan if they realized something that was recently brought to my attention:

Although the tax increases start right away, the actual “benefits” don’t kick in until 2013 or 2014. Given that even the most partisan of talking heads are admitting that Obama is likely going to be an OTP (One Term President), that means that it will be a Republican president who appoints the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the department charged with administering healthcare, following the 2012 election.

I wonder how avidly those 22% of the population would be supporting this abomination if they realized that when it finally is available to them Dick Cheney could be in charge of implementing the programs.

Would this be a case of their karma running over their dogma?

His Majesty?

I found this in my email yesterday and didn’t think too much about it. I don’t know where it originated or who did the artwork, but it has literally haunted me for the past twenty-four hours. Where do these people get off dismissing the will of the American people in such a blatant and arrogant manner?

There was a time when an American president was offered a crown and had the wisdom and vision to reject the honor. This man has proven that he has neither wisdom nor vision. More importantly, he has not been offered a crown. But, if in his fantasies he imagines himself upon a throne instead of behind a desk, perhaps he should heed the words of William Shakespeare:

“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”