Who’s In Charge of Those Death Panels?

Sometimes you have to back off a bit and examine a situation from a different perspective. Such is the case with Obama’s healthcare plan.

All this time, the majority of the American public have been outraged at both the process and the product that have been thrust upon them via this monstrosity. Whether acknowledged or not, underlying the unease that many Americans have about the plan is the absolute fact that rationing is an inherent component of any system that purports to provide coverage to a significantly larger segment of the population. Call it what you will, but some bureaucrat will ultimately decide – either on a case by case basis, or categorically – whether or not you, your grandma, or your child is eligible to receive some type of medical treatment.

Up to this point, most republicans, conservatives, and independents, as well as many democrats, have been consistently opposed to the Democrats’ proposals. The latest Rasmussen poll shows only 22% strongly support the Obama-Reid-Pelosi plan. I wonder how long those folks would continue to push for the plan if they realized something that was recently brought to my attention:

Although the tax increases start right away, the actual “benefits” don’t kick in until 2013 or 2014. Given that even the most partisan of talking heads are admitting that Obama is likely going to be an OTP (One Term President), that means that it will be a Republican president who appoints the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the department charged with administering healthcare, following the 2012 election.

I wonder how avidly those 22% of the population would be supporting this abomination if they realized that when it finally is available to them Dick Cheney could be in charge of implementing the programs.

Would this be a case of their karma running over their dogma?

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