Disturbing Trend

Guest Post by Loki

SCOTUS Justice Breyer was robbed in the Caribbean three months ago (by the machete wielding gardener). This week his house was burglarized.

This comes about a month after $1 million dollars was allocated to 12 new policemen to protect justices. Part of this was a request by Justice Breyer for additional funding after the shooting in Arizona that killed U.S. District Judge Roll (during the Gifford shooting). Who was among 12 killed that day. He was not there in an official capacity.

I find this disturbing. Yes we need to provide protection for the judges during their normal court duties. But are we really going to provide them protection from every day crimes that the rest of us have to deal with. The government is creating a ruling class and providing them with extra protection. We are now a country of the ruling class and commoners. Those who get extra protection and those who don’t qualify. I guess the equal protecting promised by the founding fathers no longer counts.

Maybe they should just have given Justice Breyer a concealed weapon permit. Whoops… that’s right. No guns in Washington D.C.

Quite… listen closely, I think you can hear the hum of Jefferson spinning in his grave.


Guest post by Loki

Governor Brown is in deep (caution explicit technical term follows) doo-doo. California is not only bankrupt, they are really really bankrupt. Tax receipts are down, the rich are leaving, businesses are leaving, and even the illegal aliens are leaving. All the years of liberalism has caught up with the public coffers. They are the biggest example of the failure of liberalism in America… well besides the USA.

There is only one thing for a liberal governor in a liberal state to do. He must follow Paul Krugman’s advice. He must borrow billions more and immediately spend it on green jobs to stimulate the economy. Preferably union jobs. He must also raise taxes on the rich, those making $50,000 or more. Hollywood needs to pay their fair share. Have you seen how much they made on the Avengers? Hollywood needs to be taxed at 90% or more. If Governor Brown really believes liberalism is the way it is the only course of action.

Instead he will probably ask President Obama for a bailout. And with this being an election year and Obama desperately needing California’s Electoral Votes this should be interesting. Pass the popcorn.

Posse Comitatus

Guest Post by Loki

Our founding fathers feared a large central government. They did everything they could to make sure there would not be a large central government. Including passing the Posse Comitatus Act. For those who have forgotten it limits the states from using the federal military for enforcement of local laws. This includes the use of military arms. Therefore no tanks downtown to enforce traffic laws. Now that would cure all the problems at malfunction junction.

Over the last 236 years we have had a steady infringement of the federal government into local laws. From the outright extortion by threat of withhold highway funds if the states do not write DUI laws and seatbelt laws to their standards, to the regulation of light bulbs, toilets and the type of clothes washers sold.

Yet there are now plans to put drones in the skies over America. Of course they will write rules and limit the use of drones… for now. But how long will it be before they ‘have’ to make exceptions to the rules. Can you imagine the outcry if suddenly they put Apache helicopters over Los Angeles to quell the crime in the ghettos. Got to start slowly.

These drones will (eventually if not immediately) have the capabilities to spy on you in your backyard. How long before they will be able to listen in on your conversations in your house. And they plan on keeping the information even if no crime was committed for months, in case they find out about a crime later. Then they can go to instant replay, then the penalty flag.

I can’t understand why liberals have not gone apoplectic over this proposal. Hasn’t anyone told them it can spot marijuana plants in the garden? Maybe they think as part of the inteligencia they will be exempt. They must not have read the history books. Governments always kill their own first.

As T.S. Eliot thought, we go out not with a bang but a whimper… or the muffled hum of a drone.

The Problem

Guest Post by Loki

Today’s IR had a guest editorial from former Secretary of State Bob Brown. He also ran against Brian Schweitzer for governor in 2004.

Today he bemoaned the failure of Sen. Richard Lugar in his re-election campaign. He cried about the loss of compromise in Congress.

This article disgusts me. We have the most partisan Congress in history. Democrats shut out Republicans in key meetings. There was no reaching across the aisles by Democrats during the Obamacare passing. President Obama made recess appointments while Congress was in session without compromising. Democrats don’t compromise on their Supreme Court nominations, but they force Republicans to compromise, can we spell Bork. We have the Department of Justice prosecuting cases based on their political merit to the Democrat party.

And Mr. Brown bemoans the loss of a compromiser in the Senate. No wonder Montana can’t find enough conservative Republicans to run for office. They are judged by their peers as to how well they compromise with Democrats making them indistinguishable from Democrats.

It is no wonder Mr. Brown lost the election in 2004. He was running under the wrong party designation. He must have compromised himself into that position.

The Democrats are digging in and doubling their partisan efforts and attacks. They are not compromising their ideology. Now is not the time for Republicans to compromise.

The real news is not that Senator Lugar lost. But that the Tea Party backed candidate won. I guess rumors of the demise of the Tea Party were just partisan stories from the main stream media.

It is time for Republicans to return to conservatism.