Guest Post by Loki
SCOTUS Justice Breyer was robbed in the Caribbean three months ago (by the machete wielding gardener). This week his house was burglarized.
This comes about a month after $1 million dollars was allocated to 12 new policemen to protect justices. Part of this was a request by Justice Breyer for additional funding after the shooting in Arizona that killed U.S. District Judge Roll (during the Gifford shooting). Who was among 12 killed that day. He was not there in an official capacity.
I find this disturbing. Yes we need to provide protection for the judges during their normal court duties. But are we really going to provide them protection from every day crimes that the rest of us have to deal with. The government is creating a ruling class and providing them with extra protection. We are now a country of the ruling class and commoners. Those who get extra protection and those who don’t qualify. I guess the equal protecting promised by the founding fathers no longer counts.
Maybe they should just have given Justice Breyer a concealed weapon permit. Whoops… that’s right. No guns in Washington D.C.
Quite… listen closely, I think you can hear the hum of Jefferson spinning in his grave.