Tied Up With Ribbons and Bows

christmas-presents_AJM4D6The holiday shopping season has officially kicked off and – lo and behold – it looks like the Democrats are wrapping up some potentially huge presents for the GOP.

My buds at HillBuzz peeked in the closet and found three goodies for us:

We hope Republicans realize Christmas came early this year; they’ve been handed three vorpal blades with which to strike deep into the heart of the Liberals’ jabberwock.

(1) Climategate

(2) The Khalid Sheik Muhammad 9/11 trial in NYC

(3) ACORN, and more importantly, increasingly embattled Attorney General Eric Holder (see 2+3 = time bomb for the White House)

These are three areas that have the potential to drive a deep and perhaps generational wedge between average Americans and Liberals, in ways that could decimate the DNC if played correctly by the Republicans…

They go on to explain how these gifts could work:

The Climategate scandal has the potential to make people question everything Democrats say. It is the equivalent of finding a secret cell phone your spouse has kept, and reading all the sexts that have messaged back and forth between him and Clay Aiken. No matter what lame explanations are given, after this you will never look at your husband the same way again…and you most certainly will no longer be a Claymate…

The Tea Party movement needs to merge with the 9/11 survivors and family lobbyists to work together to rile regular Americans up over Eric Holder, personally, and specifically over Holder’s gruesome decision to give KSM and the other Muslim terrorists a soap box in NYC to spout hatred at America and justify their actions by claiming how terrible this country is. When regular people see the Democrat party is FOR this nonsense, that’s a wedge that will be hard to heal for most people (already inclined as they are to believe Democrats hate America).

The same is true for ACORN.

Eric Holder is arguing in favor of ACORN receiving federal money. Jerry Brown in California, who is running for governor, believes ACORN is harmless, despite everything ACORN is doing to skirt the law and destroy evidence against it in order to survive. ACORN-backed Democrat Secretaries of State in many blue states work overtime to protect this criminal enterprise.

Republicans need to make regular Americans believe: Democrats = ACORN, criminals, anti-American, pro-Muslim, lying, con artists, Anthropogenic Global Warming fraud, socialists.

Thank you, Santa Claus!!!!

Of course, like most really great Christmas presents “some assembly is required”.

2nd Grade Bike Rack has been doing some intense work on Climategate, so check in there to start working on that part of the puzzle. There’s a ton of good information out there that we must be spotlighting to turn back “Crap and Tax” (aka Cap and Trade). There is absolutely no way we can let the liberals and LSM get away with this abomination.

Same thing goes for the harebrained idea of trials for war criminals. there’s lots of stuff out there to use to highlight that abomination.

It’s the ACORN issue that we in Montana need to spend more time on. Remember Governor Schweitzer’s infamous speech to the Trial Lawyers’ Association where he bragged about how he fixed the 2006 race for Tester? Perhaps a little sunshine in a few dark corners is warranted. As we begin the 2010 census count in Montana, should someone be watching the counters? Not to mention a little review of some numbers in certain precincts in the past few elections. What we need are some bean counters.

I believe I know a very good one. Hmmm…

Put Tab A into Slot B.

5 thoughts on “Tied Up With Ribbons and Bows

  1. I do love your posts, but your block quoting is difficult to read. Could you use a more contrasty (don’t care if I invented a new word) shade.

  2. For one of my faithful readers, I will do whatever I can. I will consult with my tech genius/site designer when I get back to Montana on Wednesday. Until then I will limit the block quotes – Ok?

  3. How about gifts on the state level from BS and his cronys

    Isn’t it amazing that when the dark side, aka, the evil ones, dabble in this sort of cronyism, you can hear a pin drop in the halls of so called responsible journalism. We have Rep Dave McAlpin as the Crime Lab administrator, who wouldn’t know the difference between an ameba, sugar pill or a worm. Some however may be perfectly adapted to their appointments. Rep Villa, an avowed union advocate stirring the pot in education, where the unions continue to attempt to wrest control of local school districts from local taxpayers. Sen. Laslovich, who has a problem deciding where his official residence, is. (Found somewhat innocent by another BS appointee, Comm. of Political Practices, in a complaint about where real home is).
    Rep Eve Franklin as the governor’s family policy advisor is suited for her job and the furthering of the far left agenda. She voted against SB 274, (2003 session), a bill to protect the unborn. Lets see, Switcher, Kitzenberg quits his appointment by Comm. Kelly. Figures, he doesn’t know where he belongs. Republican, democrat, independent, who knows.
    If the side of light, the Republicans, had made these appointments, the demand and price of ink would have gone through the roof. Ah, but not to worry, the dark side has everyone’s best interest at heart, but only if they can be taxed. These are blatant Chicago pay off tactics; come home to roost here in Montana. And we electors are to blame

  4. So – as Scott Sales suggested – perhaps a citizens initiative is in order. Tea Partiers and Republicans could definitely find common cause on this one. I suspect this is a rally we could really win!!!

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