Eeyore Rescue Society

As I mentioned a couple of times before, I found a delightful blog that is written by former Hillary supporters and is dedicated to bringing Republicans, Democrats, PUMAs, – and everybody else who cares about this country – together in a positive effort to elect John McCain and Sarah Palin. Talk about motivated! These guys make me feel like a slacker of the first order.

Today’s post features a totally unique approach to fundraising and voter identification. They define Eeyores as people “hoodwinked by the national media and its incessant Obama cheerleading.” They have created a fun way to raise money for their victory party (which will be held right across the street from the site of “The One’s” extravaganza) by categorizing and naming the types of Eeyores that we all encounter every day.

Go grab a nice glass of wine and spend a few minutes reading the post and the associated comments. Betcha feel a whole lot better about our chances of a McCain victory afterwards – and if you feel like contributing to the party by rescuing an Eeyore, go for it. I did.

“Oh, alright, I guess I can.” – Eeyore

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