Eye Trouble

Self-appointed filter of worthy republicanism – Roger KookKoopman – seems to be walking around with a pretty big log in his eye these days. [Luke 6:42]

Sources at the Department of Labor have confirmed that Roger Koopman, the arch-conservative leader and former legislator from Bozeman, has been notified by the Department of Labor that he is violating Federal Law. It appears that he could face criminal prosecution if he continues to defy multiple cease and desist orders.
Koopman’s employment firm, Career Concepts, has been collecting massive fees, which sources say are as high as $1500 in some cases, from job applicants who are unemployed and have been answering job offers on the state jobs website. That is a federal crime.

I probably don’t rate very high on Koopman’s scale of “good” conservatives, but I’m pretty sure that the conservative values I subscribe to would not include bilking unemployed job seekers out of thousands of dollars for information that should be free, and breaking the law in the process. Not my kind of conservatism.

So maybe it’s time to call in an ophthalmologist, ’cause I just can’t see him having a role in the Montana Republican Party any more.

h/t Montana Cowgirl – great reporting!

4 thoughts on “Eye Trouble

  1. I’d stack my conservative credentials next to Koopman’s any day; He just wants to wield power and be a king-maker. What he does accomplish is to bring divisiveness when we need unity. Stay in your own back yard Koop and leave other areas of Montana alone. We’ll take care of our regions just fine thank you very much. We calculate the electability of each of the candidates we support. Get out of the way.

  2. The hard core boys are willing to attack in many ways. When one thinks of the Koop, one can’t forget Sinrud and LeFer. Sinrud is the Executive Director of the Western Traditional Partnership and LeFer operates under many names. Did a little computer sleuthing myself with the old whois tool and came up with 156 domains for Christian LeFer and some were on the list mentioned in the IR article. These boys get around. It will take two posts to upload. http://whois.domaintools.com/christianlefer.com First ½:
    Search Results for 156 Results for
    1. Apocalypsemarketing.com
    2. Armageddonmarketing.com
    3. Artwittich.com
    4. Artwittich.org
    5. Bigskyindependent.com
    6. Bowlingballmortar.com
    7. Bozemanteaparty.org
    8. Brianshyster.com
    9. Brownmugs.com
    10. Calltheartisan.com
    11. Capandtradescam.com
    12. Capandtradescam.org
    13. Carbonscandal.com
    14. Carbonshellgame.com
    15. Carbontaxscam.org
    16. Casapac.com
    17. Christianlefer.org
    18. Cogopassembly.org
    19. Copogcaucus.com
    20. Cologopsucks.com
    21. Coloradofamilyvalues.com
    22. Coloradofamilyvalues.org
    23. Coraaction.org
    24. Corpsecam.com
    25. Crashproofblog.com
    26. Crashproofcopy.com
    27. Crashproofcopywriting.com
    28. Crashproofkids.com
    29. Crashprooflife.org
    30. Crashproofplan.com
    31. Crashproofsecrets.com
    32. Cultualsupremacist.com
    33. Dadvocate.com
    34. Directmailwins.com
    35. Edbutcher.com
    36. Edbutcher.org
    37. Failsafefoodstorage.com
    38. Getoffthegridin90days.com
    39. Getsurvivalsecrets.com
    40. Gopcolorado.com
    41. Goptraitors.com
    42. Greencheappower.com
    43. Greencheappower.org
    44. Hydroisrenewable.org
    45. Informfirestone.org
    46. Joelboniek.org
    47. Judgethecourt.com
    48. Justiceandequity.com
    49. Justiceandequity.org
    50. Keithregier.com
    51. Keithregier.org
    52. Livingtonexposed.com
    53. LIvingstonvoters.com
    54. Longmontreport.com
    55. Montanamoneybomb.org
    56. Montanatreasures.com
    57. Montanateaparty.com
    58. Montanateaparty.org
    59. Mtaccess.org
    60. Mtprolife.com
    61. Mtrtw.com
    62. Nocapandtax.com
    63. Nocapandtax.org
    64. Patwagman.org
    65. Pen-slinger.com
    66. Pickrickjune12.com
    67. Preparednesspower.com
    68. Preparednesssecrets.com
    69. Preparednesssecrets.org
    70. Renewablehydro.org
    71. Republicansforritter.com
    72. Republicansforsalazar.com
    73. Rinopoacher.com
    74. Rinopoacher.org
    75. Rinopoachers.com
    76. Rinopoachers.org
    77. Ritterroyaltyripoff.com
    78. Robfillion.com
    79. Rogerkookman.com
    80. Sagebrushrebellion.com
    81. Sagebrushrebellion.org
    82. Savemontanaswater.com
    83. Savemontanaswater.org
    84. Saviorslove.com
    85. Securewebinars.com
    86. Slashmybills.org
    87. Slashmyrates.org
    88. Smartsimplecampaigns.com
    89. Sovereignmontana.org
    90. Sovereignstateproject.com
    91. Sovereignstateproject.org
    92. Sovereignstatesproject.com
    93. Sovereignstaesproject.org
    94. Statesrightsproject.com
    95. Staterightsproject.org
    96. Stopcarbontaxes.com
    97. Stopcarbontaxes.org
    98. Stopganggreen.com
    99. Stopganggreen.org
    100. Stophr980.com
    101. Stophr980.org
    102. Stoptheleadban.com
    103. Suburbansurvivalclub.com
    104. Suburbansurvivalsecrets.com
    105. Suckerplanet.com
    106. Supercheapcopies.com
    107. Survivalcache.org
    108. Taxpayersforliberty.com
    109. Taxpayersforliberty.org
    110. Teapartymarketing.com
    111. Teapartypromotion.com
    112. Thelefers.com
    113. Thepreparednessthing.com
    114. Thestandardgroup.org
    115. Thisblogwillsaveyourlife.com
    116. Thismanualwillsaveyourlife.com
    117. Voteleerandall.com
    118. Voterepublicangetrepublican.com
    119. Votescottsales.com
    120. Votescottsales.org
    121. Warpdrivemarketing.com
    122. Warpdrivemedia.com
    123. Watermelonawards.com
    124. Westernslopeindependent.com
    125. Westertradition.org
    126. Westertraditioninstitute.org
    127. Whatsinitforfirestone.com
    128. Whatsinitforfirestone.org
    129. Wildernessgonewild.com
    130. Wildernessgonewild.org
    131. Wordynamics.com
    132. Wtinstitute.org
    133. Backyardcannon.com
    134. Bitchoncall.com
    135. Bozemanteaparty.com
    136. Bugoutmarketing.com
    137. Capandtraitors.org
    138. Ccrtw.com
    139. Christianlefer.com
    140. Cogopassembly.com
    141. Crashprooffamily.com
    142. Crashproofmarketing.com
    143. Foodstoragesecrests.org
    144. Getfoodstoragecalculator.com
    145. Getfoodstoragesecrets.com
    146. Getgroceriescheaper.com
    147. Greghinkle.com
    148. Greghinkle.org
    149. Hotquail.com
    150. Hydroisrenewable.com
    151. Itsnotyourland.com
    152. Livingstonvoters.org
    153. Mtfamilyalliance.org
    154. Mtprolife.org
    155. Urbansurvivalclub.com
    156. Evilcorporateinterests.co

  3. The old Koop is a bit of a hypocrite… Seems he likes a little gov help in his business and does not care if it is legal or not…

    Heres some photos of letters from the Dept of Labor


    Perhaps one of the questions on his purity test should be “Have you ever stolen from the Government ?”

    Course, he is above questioning…

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