Obama, the Musical

Anybody remember the Lily Tomlin play, “The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe”? Particularly the part where the bag lady character is standing on the corner of “Walk / Don’t Walk” and discussing the difference between an Andy Warhol painting and a can of Campbell’s soup. “Soup. Art. Art. Soup.”

Lately, the Obama campaign has had that same kind of bizarro feeling to it. Only different. Let’s see. They can attack and smear anyone who dares question them; dig up any dirt they can on their opponent and the opponent’s family members, or any private citizen who asks a perfectly legitimate question about one of proposals touted by the candidate. Any media outlet that even hints at a less than total adulation of the The One is threatened and banished from the presence of the messiah.

Is this America or have we suddenly been transported into an alternate universe? Argentina circa 1946-ish?

Well, except for the names and a few of the places, the story’s the same one…

“Tell me before I waltz out of your life
Before turning my back on the past
Forgive my impertinent behavior
But how long do you think this pantomime can last?

Tell me before I ride off in the sunset
There’s one thing I never got clear
How can you claim you’re our Savior
When those who oppose you are stepped on,
Or cut up, or simply disappear?” (from “Evita” Andrew Lloyd Webber)

One thought on “Obama, the Musical

  1. Attack those who question their leader, lie about those they oppose, use government resources to discredit those who question them, integrate themselves into schools,…. this sounds very familiar,… something about brown shirts and the 1930’s seems to ring a bell.

    Sounds like history is about to repeat itself again with some slight variations.

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