Quote of the Day

I was just taking a break in my party preps to rest my feet and check the intertubes for the latest news and views and sure enough I stumbled upon a treat that I have to share.

Frequent visitors here have been directed to visit HillBuzz – one of my favorite blogs – more than once. The Boyz have posted a delightful piece about a possible Palin/Bachman ticket in 2012. Mid-way down they posited this:

But, could two women win, running together, when the MSM worked so hard to prevent a female president from taking office in 2008…and when so-called “feminists” themselves, bitter harridans mostly, did everything they could to stop Hillary Clinton from being our 44th president?

Well, in 2008, the winning ticket was a black man and an idiot.

And to this day, not many people realize Joe Biden is black.

Ok – go get the tissue to wipe the coffee/pop off the computer screen. And then read the whole piece here. Enjoy!

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