Gov’t Employees Confess to Buying Votes

Sometimes you just have to finally admit it – if you want to win an election – the easiest and surest way to get the job done is simply to skip all the artifice and purchase enough votes to assure a victory.

So far that strategy has been successful in getting Debra’s office pet, Eyepod, into the final round of the Independent Record’s Pet Pin-up Contest.

Since the contest is a fundraiser for the Newspaper in Education Literacy Project, we figured that in this situation the ends do justify the means and plan to continue investing not only in Eyepod’s election, but also in the education of Helena’s kids. The final round of voting starts today and ends on the 28th, so you still have time to join the fun. Five dollars buys you 20 votes – a bargain – especially when you compare it to the financial expenditures some politicians make in contested elections.

C’mon – Vote early, vote often, VOTE Eyepod!!!

**H/T to Kathleen for the peek into Eyepod’s underwater literary activitiy.**

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