The following comment was posted at the end of one of the posts on this site. I think it is far too important to languish in relative anonymity, so I have copied it here:
On a Local note the City of Helena City Commission will be considering two proposed referendums during the month of March. The first one calls for the United States to withdraw its forces from Iraq and provide funding for that. The second referendum is as follows:
“The Citizens of Helena, Montana in the United States of America, hereby urge the Congress of the United States of America to fund our military forces totally and without conditions so that they will not be deprived of the tools they need, or the manpower needed by them to give the people of the United States of America the protection they need in this time of war and be able to attain victory, which is the tradition of the United States of America and the State of Montana. The danger is too great to do otherwiseâ€
The author of the above referendum is John Forbes, one of the most dedicated patriots in the city, if not the state. The time and effort that he and his wife, Cyndi, devote to this community is amazing. We are truly blessed to have them here in the Queen City. I wholeheartedly endorse their efforts in bringing this issue to the attention of the citizens of Helena.