And, in case you are still under the delusion of Obumble’s motives:
Obama ignores the wishes of the American people, something neither FDR nor Clinton would ever do…Obama sees the public as his enemy, a stumbling block that he needs to get around if he is ever to reach his goals. For Obama, the public is an entity to deceive and manipulate if possible, and he regards it contemptuously rather than respectfully. He no longer needs to inspire people. He just needs to exercise power over them.”
How’s that Hopey Changitude working out for you now?
It’s true, they act just like they are royalty. Then they act suprized that the public does not adore them. They both must have led a very sheltered life with people telling them they were special.
Laura Bush would have vacationed in the gulf area and met with the locals suffering buisness loss due to the media hype. She would have partied in New Orleans.