TEA minus 2 and counting. So I have a few thoughts to share…
The student mock election results are interesting on a couple of fronts: First – the turnout was perplexing. Supposedly, over 15,000 students participated, yet the results only reflect the votes of about 5,000. The obvious conclusion is that the youth vote is always hyped and the actual percentage of votes is far less than expected. Yet 33% isn’t too far below the average turnout for younger (under 30) voters in an off-year election usually, so casting aspersions would be inappropriate. Of more interest to me are the results of some of the questions. The kids seem to be pretty centrist in most of their choices – probably more reflective of their parents’ views than their teachers’. Particularly in light of the environmental propaganda the students are subject to from kindergarten on, the majority of votes on the energy question come down on the side of common-sense, free market positions. Of course, that’s offset by the overwhelming support for health care as a “human right”. The votes on immigration again seem pretty pragmatic and fundamentally logical – a center-right position, probably in line with how most Montana adults would vote. Generally speaking though, I think the kids who participated are to be commended for their citizenship, and as a grandmother, I am pretty sure the future will be in good hands.
Second issue: Alaska. What a power struggle! For all of you out there who have discounted the political in-fighting in the GOP, Holy Buckets, Batman. The old-guard Murkowski camp versus the Palin/TEA Party has gone completely out of control. A major battle ala Clash of the Titans. Would that I had the popcorn concession.
Add to the mix an apparent conspiracy by the local CBS affiliate reporters to create a story that would have a huge negative impact on the Miller campaign. Nothing like the media becoming the story, huh? This will grow legs and will probably continue well past the election. For years, conservatives have rallied against the MSM – and stuff like this goes to prove their case. “Corrupt bastards”, indeed. Stay tuned.
Finally: Charlie Crist, Bill Clinton, and the Florida senate race. Oy, vay.
You just have to love American politics.
Election 2012 starts Wednesday, November 3. Get ready…