Rehberg vs. Tester – What Do You Say?

Speculation about Denny’s intentions for 2012 have heated up over the past few days as his Christmas card hit the streets and his minions have scurried forth with instructions to gin up support from every corner of the state.

While I work on my Christmas classic – “The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come” – which will share a vision of a Yuletide two years in the future, go ahead and share your thoughts here…

Add your thoughts below.

8 thoughts on “Rehberg vs. Tester – What Do You Say?

  1. MIke –

    I can do that – I’ll have to edit the poll – must have hit something I didn’t meant to check to hide that information.

  2. JLW –

    This is pretty much a liberal-free zone. I think most Montana Republicans understand that a Rehberg-Tester race is a bad idea. We could end up losing both.

  3. BCM :

    That is my worry. I would rather not have Rehberg out on a limb. Plus, if he didn’t resign the left would accuse him of hedging his bets.

    It looks like a lose-lose to me to have him run.

    Now we have to have someone to win against Tester. It should be only moderately hard giving his far left agenda since winning last time.

  4. JLW –

    Denny could only run for one office – either House or Senate – he doesn’t have the luxury of “hedging” because both seats are up in ’12.

    I’m very confident that Steve Daines is the man to beat Jon. He’a got great credentials, a super message, plus NO baggage. If you haven’t had a chance to get to know him yet, take advantage of the earliest opportunity. You’ll be impressed.

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