Since about fifteen minutes after the tragic shooting in Arizona on Saturday, the liberal blogs, FB pages, and Twits were giddily blaming Sarah Palin and the TEA Party as the motivation for the perp’s actions. With absolutely no evidence to substantiate these claims, the sunami of vitriolic rhetoric lay all the blame at the feet of conservatives. Even when more information revealed the shooter to be “face down in the Fruit Loops” at best, and most likely politically LIBERAL, the progressives and government-controlled media continued the anti-conservative rants. Well, this guy pretty well expresses how I feel about these jerks. Pardon the language, but I, for one, think he’s right-on…
H/T to AFinch at Honey Trails
I have been cruising the net. I can not believe the hate and vitriol directed at Palin and the Tea Party. Reminds me of a mindless mob at a rally just before the riot.
And proof. None needed. The hangings will begin ‘don’t need no stinking proof’.
What scares me the most is not the mindless stupid mob but the elected elite who are already talking of limits on free speech and weapons. It never fails. The progressives always go after the guns and speech first. But the politicians and professional news people who if not alluding to blaming Palin do it out right like the Sherriff in AZ and then admit they have no proof. The Sherriff should be removed from office immediately for being a biased idiot.
What I find even more amazing (I have been amazed a lot lately) is that progressives who demand that we say “radical” Muslim terrorists lump the entire Tea Party as terrorists in the biggest display of hypocrisy I have seen since Baucus’s opinion piece in the Helena IR.