You Have Got to Be Kidding Me…

Apparently Montana’s Lieutenant Governor has viewed his role as more understudy than gentleman-in-waiting. Rumor has it that instead of solicitously inquiring as to the governor’s health for the next several months, John Bohlinger will be enthusiastically celebrating Governor Schweitzer’s forthcoming demise – gubernatorially speaking of course – by joining the ever-swelling ranks of those seeking to replace his BS-ness.

Okay, that’s not totally unexpected in Montana politics. The second banana wanting to become the top dog is not such a surprising concept – although it is a disconcertingly mixed metaphor. What does inspire the wry smile – not to mention uncontrollable peals of hysterical laughter – is the news that Bohlinger thinks he can be a Republican candidate for the job.

Ummm – John Bohlinger???? The punchline of the joke in the executive branch of Montana government??? Thinks he could win a republican primary????? Obviously he hasn’t been too involved with the Party lately or he’d know that his brand of elite, left-wing pseudo-conservatism is now pretty safely relegated to the outside of the big tent. And his credentials with the party faithful are not exactly unquestioned. The last time he was seen at an actual Republican function he was regarded as somewhere between the dotty old uncle and the guy who threw up in the punch bowl. He was obviously more at home last month at the Planned Parenthood reception and fundraiser.

Too bad he and the governor spent the last seven years touting John’s “Republican” label. There’s actually a lot more room in the Democrat ring – but they really don’t want to claim him either.

John Bohlinger for governor?!?! What a hoot.

6 thoughts on “You Have Got to Be Kidding Me…

  1. Hello Auntie Lib!

    It’s been a long time since I have been on the boards but I am wrapping up school and wanted to stop by and say hi. I saw your comment on Bluebird of Bitterness so I came right over!

    How have you been, my friend?

  2. Hi Kei!!! Great to see you here! How’s your little one? Have you been lurking around as some of us have moved around from HB to HT to PN? We’re feeling like cyber-gypsies! I’m so glad you found me!

    So, with school about over, what’s in your future?

  3. Sarita (as I call her) is doing great. She is so much fun! I haven’t been to many sites, I will check in on the boyz every now and then when school permits, I noticed doubledown was inactive as was Afrocity. Where is HT and PN?

    With school almost done, I am looking at a career change, possibly. I’ll keep you posted. Found you? my dear friend, I have you (and stealth Magnolias formerly bloghopeandchangery, HB, PW and others) saved in my favorites. You are one of my buddies, how could I lose you?! I’ll venture out more when I am done.

    I hope all is well with you and yours. I’ll try to drop in more.

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