Stop the Presses!

In what has to come as a shock to most of the world, Denny Rehberg came out and announced his endorsement of Steve Daines to fill the seat he’s leaving open to run for the Senate:

BOZEMAN, Mont.__Congressman Denny Rehberg announced today his support for Steve Daines to replace him in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“I’ve worked with Steve for years and know he has the business experience and Montana values we need in Congress,” Congressman Rehberg said.

“I’m grateful to have the support of Denny Rehberg,” Daines said. “I look forward to joining Denny in Washington and helping him in his fight to repeal Obamacare, rein in out of control government spending and restore prosperity and opportunity to Montana and our nation.”

Personally, I think this announcement is overdue by about 30 days – and should have included a profound and sincere thank you to Steve for being a true statesman and gentleman who put the needs of Montana and her citizens ahead of his own preferences.

Steve Daines is exactly the type of person we need to represent us in Washington – a smart, principled man, a class act with a true servant’s heart. Fortunately, thousands of Montanans beat Denny to the punch and have already endorsed Steve Daines for Congress. That’s the really great news. If you aren’t one of them yet, learn more about why Steve is an excellent choice for Montana and America by visiting his website.

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