The Hokey Pokey

You put your right foot in, You take your right foot out

The Georgia Democrat Party summed up the news of the mutiny in Newt’s campaign rather succiently…

Campaign staffers of Newt Gingrich’s flailing presidential bid walked off the job en masse today, demonstrating the power of organized labor and teamwork while serving in a hostile work environment… On the other hand, Republicans are taking ‘job-creation’ seriously by making dozens of new jobs available …

Is this why we call it “Silly Season”? It will be interesting to see who’s still standing by Christmas. Who do you think will make it to the primaries?

4 thoughts on “The Hokey Pokey

  1. I’m still hoping for someone to pass Romney. He reminds me too much of McCain, republican lite.

    The trouble is that his name recognition may get him the nomination.

  2. Romney has a core constituency – bought and paid for. But they have no passion, so eventually the campaign burns out. Romney is a useful place-holder for the time being, but he fades before the finish line. Betcha!

  3. No bets. I just hope you are right. Don’t recall who said it today, but someone said that the trouble with Obama and Romney is they are both running on the same agenda. Can’t tell them apart.

  4. I wonder if your poll is reflective of who people WANT to be the nominee or just who they think will be around that long.

    I certainly did not vote for who I thought would be the best Pres. but just for who I thought would still be in the race.

    I still maintain that Romney is not electable just due to his religion. I hate to say that, but there are many evangelicals that simply will not vote for a “cult” religion – something I happen to disagree with.

    Personally, I hope the nominee is not on that list and has not yet announced. But if that is the best the R’s can do, we will get to enjoy “4 more years”. Just my 2¢ worth.

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