5 thoughts on “Caution: Do Not Watch…

  1. All new peccadillos need to be rated on the Weinergate Scale. We need to find a picture of a hot dog and measure it 0 to 5 to show how embarrassing it is to the Democrat party. The top of the scale will be a 5,… a true Weiner.

    Then we can have a drinking game where we take a shot for how the media spins the news. We pick one of their favorite phrases;

    He/she is just a typical man/woman.

    It is interfering with his/her real job.

    He/she will go into sex/alcohol/drug rehab and will be cured and return to work shortly.

    His/her spouse drove him/her to it.

    It’s just sex.

    He/she didn’t commit a ‘real’ crime.

    Nobody really understands the IRS forms.

    He/she is still popular with their electorate and should not be removed except by them.

    It’s the stress of the job.

    This really is a only a concern to their spouse and is a private matter.

    But we need to pick only one of those excuses. Because the press will throw all of them at the wall till one sticks. And we could run out of booze before they find one that works.

  2. Headline suggestions;

    Weiner in Rehab
    Pelosi and Weiner Meet
    Weiner Takes Break
    Barney Frank Meets Weiner
    Barney Frank Wants Weiner to Stay (It’s not like he was molesting boys)
    Weiner in Hot Water
    Weiner Done
    Weiner Gone but not Forgotten

    I think the Democrats will have to get rid of him just because of his name.

    p.s. The Barney Frank one about boys was actually said by,… Barney Frank

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