Obama’s Achilles Heel

Guest Post by Loki

The Presidential race has begun. Republicans and conservatives are sorting through the candidates trying to find someone to save this country from disastrous ruin. But who can defeat the ‘One’? The answer is simple, he will defeat himself. It is through his own hubris that he will bring his own castle of cards down around himself. Hopefully before the destruction of this country.

Obama has shown himself to be nothing more than the community organizer and Chicago thug some had foreseen before the election. His knowledge was garnered from socialist professors who declared to their captive disciples that the capitalist government was evil and if it could be converted to a socialist government the USA would be a utopia. Obama believed them and put their teachings to work to be rewarded with utter failure. His economic failures are on par with the worst decisions ever made. With daily headlines of ‘unexpected’ and results worse than predicted he keeps trudging forward confident in his own idolatry that he is right and the world is wrong and will correct itself. He leads the country like the Judas lemming going over a cliff.

That is his greatest weakness. His belief that he is never wrong and everyone else is always wrong. His belief that as president all must obey without questioning him or his greatness. Propped up by the media he believes his own reviews while ignoring the audience stampeding to the exits. Now he spreads that hubris to the war in Libya. Ignoring the Constitution and the War Powers Act he also ignores Congress and his own lawyers believing his own greatness.

All that is needed to put this one-term-president behind us is a viable candidate. This has been shown by recent polls showing that any generic republican can defeat him. But we should not settle for just defeating Obama, but instead should be looking for the best Republican to reverse the direction of this country and prove to the country the fallacy of Obama’s beliefs.

We have a plethora of candidates but so far none has been outstanding. We need an outstanding candidate. Then we can watch Obama and his administration’s inevitable collapse under their ineptitude.

2 thoughts on “Obama’s Achilles Heel

  1. “Then we can watch Obama and his administration’s inevitable collapse under their ineptitude.”

    Inevitable? I thought they already proved it.

  2. IMO, if the election were held today that The Great Leader would be defeated by a landslide.

    And if unemployment is still high, and housing prices are still spiraling downward in 2012 the ‘anybody but Obama’ vote will win easily then too.

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