Yeah, If You Don’t Count Sarah

Public Policy Polling released a new poll today trumpeting Michele Bachmann’s surge to the lead in the race for the GOP presidential nomination in Montana and Oregon.

We’ve never found her leading one of our state polls until now but Michele Bachmann’s been on fire for the last two weeks and we find her at the top of the GOP field in both Oregon and Montana when Sarah Palin’s not included [Emphasis added.]. That’s just more indication that if Palin ends up not running Bachmann will pretty instantaneously vault to co-front runner status with Mitt Romney, provided she can continue her current momentum.

You gotta love the these guys: No matter what the facts are they’ll twist ’em until they can write the story they want. And I bet the pollsters would rather take a beating than have to admit that, “In both Montana and Oregon Palin has easily the best net favorability of any of the GOP contenders…” After almost three years of the most vitriolic, obnoxious, mean-spirited, inaccurate, incessant, lying attacks, Sarah Palin remains a strong contender. With Obumble’s ratings doing a reasonable impression of Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” nosedive, his campaign staff and media helpers have to be practically catatonic with worry. The last thing Jim Messina wants is to have to put the TOTUS up against a SARAHCUDA next year, because he knows deep-down that the headlines on November 7, 2012 can only proclaim BO the winner if Sarah Palin doesn’t run. Count on it.

For those of you who like visual aids – below are two photos that illustrate my point very well. Both Sarah and Obama were in Iowa today.

Here’s a picture of Sarah greeting some of the crowd outside the Pella, Iowa Opera House this afternoon before the screening of “The Undefeated”.


And here’s the President at the Alcoa factory where he was, as the LA Times put it, “[P]leading for yet more time to create new jobs – and keep his.”

[H/T DesMoines Register]

7 thoughts on “Yeah, If You Don’t Count Sarah

  1. For being in a factory, I’m surprised at how many of the workers are wearing suits…I guess he wasn’t so much visiting the factory as visiting the upper management wing of the factory.

  2. I stand corrected, those pictures were not taken at the factory…but the ones where he is holding a baby crack me up. It isn’t secret service because they usually wear dark suits, white shirts and a dark tie, especially when they want to be seen as the secret service. Those that don’t want to be noticed, dress a lot more casual.

  3. Yeah – Secret Service, Staff, Groupies – all of the above. It’s the same theory he used in 2007-8 – bring your own throng so it looks like a big crowd.

  4. Secret Service always wear lapel pins that are all the same. They also hardly ever look at the President but at the crowd.

    Second picture the guy to the right looks like SS, but he is unusually old for an agent. The two behind him look like organizers.

    Obama wouldn’t be ordering that BIG frosted roll in the front would he?

    Another give-away would be the tight photo. Notice Palin’s photo is a wider lens and includes more surroundings. Keep the crowd tight and shoot tight and it looks like a bigger crowd. The two in front of Palin with sunglasses look like security but not SS, long hair on one of them.

  5. Garnette – According to the Register, the Obie picture was taken at the Alcoa factory – looks like it was in the office area though.

    Loki – Sarah, as a private citizen, does not get Secret Service protection, so you’re right – security, but not at the taxpayers’ expense.

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