We often hear how Republicans are science deniers. The liberals throw the term ‘science deniers’ around almost as often as they casually throw out ‘racist’. If one should even offer a hint of disbelief or even questions the dictates from the liberals they are quickly tarred and feathered with labels and dismissed for being stupid.
But scientists and the media never label the ideas of the left as crazy, unworkable, illogical, unproven or just plain nuts. Let’s take a look at some of the ‘proven facts/ideas/science’ and science denial from the left.
Solar Power – Pushed by Obama who took our money and subsidized this failed science. Solyndra became the third company to go bankrupt since Evergreen Solar and SpectraWatt. It is not a failed science because you can produce electricity through the sun but because you can’t do it economically. American companies can not compete with China to produce a low cost solar panel. And even then the electricity produced is extremely expensive. And we won’t even talk about all of the toxic batteries and high maintenance costs. Works great in space, not so well on earth.
Wind Energy – Produces electricity but kills birds. Some from the left will defend the bird killing by noting that cats kill more birds. But cats don’t kill Bald Eagles or California Condors nor does that excuse not mean that even more birds will be killed. Then there is the illogic of the left when it comes to wind turbines. In Helena liberals fought hard to keep new cell phone towers from being erected because they would ruin the natural view. Even the Kennedy family fought against wind turbines being built in their back yards. Yet somehow fields of wind turbines are just fine in someone else’s back yard. Then to add to the illogic liberals fight even harder against the construction of transmission lines to bring the wind turbine energy to any place where it can be used. And you still need to construct just as many power plants standing by for when the wind does not blow. The costs are questionable depending on the location of the turbines and the ability to convey the electricity to where it will be used. Without government subsides this may turn out to be another more expensive energy substitute.
Ethanol from Corn – Stupidity… taking food and making it into expensive low grade fuel. Without subsidies it is unworkable. In fact it may take more oil fuel to produce less ethanol energy. Science is still debating that little problem. But don’t mention this to liberals or you will be a ‘science denier’.
Panda Poop – Converting Panda poop into fuel. Of all the stupid ideas this has got to be near the top of the list. Does anyone think we have enough Pandas in the world to make enough fuel to run more than a couple of vehicles?
Cooking Grease – Another crazy idea from the left. We will all have to start eating French Fries by the tub full to get enough grease to make this more than a novelty energy source.
Coal Energy – The lack of logic here it that somehow burning coal in the USA under strict EPA guidelines is more detrimental to the earth then shipping the coal to China and letting them burn coal with no regulations. So China gets a cheap energy source while the USA further cripples world trade by using more expensive energy.
Nuclear Energy – Fought against by liberals at every step, lawyer’s fees, environmental studies and government intervention has driven the cost to near uneconomical rates. In Europe some of the cheapest energy available is from nuclear. Guess we are just not as smart as those Europeans.
Yet you can’t find hardly a liberal (or Ron Paul) that does not think that every maniacal dictatorship bent on nuclear war should not be allowed to build ‘peaceful nuclear energy’. Somehow a nuclear power plant in the USA will spell doom for the world but for Iran it’s just fine.
Oil – And finally the totally illogical idea that we can give up oil completely. Oil does not just fuel our vehicles. It paves our roads, it makes our plastics, our chemicals, our fertilizers and is used in almost every industry in the USA. Try making any of that with wind, solar or even nuclear.
So it seems the real science deniers are liberals with their oil free utopian ideas. Be sure to mention that to them next time they start talking about oil. Call them science deniers who want people to die. Then while they are sputtering just call them racists and leave.
Their biggest science denial, as you touched on, is human caused climate change. There is zero proof of this theory despite their false claim that 98% of scientists agree with that theory.
The real proven and factual science is that dramatic climate change has occurred for millions and millions of years. Humans had/have nothing to do with it.
I went for the blatantly obvious and indefensible liberal ideas. There are new stories all of the time on some new energy source from some pile of cr*p that can be made into fuel. I’m sure the ultimate objective is to have us all living in sod huts walking to work and eating crops we grow in our backyards fertilized by feces left over from fuel conversion. In fact I sometimes wonder if the ultimate objective is to convert Montana back to it’s 1600’s state and just make it a vacation spot for rich democrats.
Global warming would have to be an article unto itself.
Thanks for the comment. It is nice to know someone is actually reading.
So, we know this stuff, why can’t we get the point across to someone with the “power” to do something about it?
Because we are too nice. We try to use logic and facts.
They use emotion, fear and hate. Plus they have the media.
Obama in his speech said that Lincoln was the founder of the Republican party. The media did not say anything. NPR actually edited the transcript and removed that blunder. Ever see them do that to Palin, or Bachmann?
We have to write letters to the IR editor. We have to write letters to KTVH. We have to stop letting liberals get the last word by ad hominem attacks that shut us up or leave us trying to defend baseless attacks. Make sure you have the last word in verbal arguements. Never ever be afraid of being called a racist or a hater.
But that is just my plan. I don’t mind a little arguement.
You don’t get “power”, you take it.
Whoops,… I’m getting on my soap box and yelling again.
Adding to your list: Genetically modified foods and vaccines causing autism. But I am sure that there are some social scientists who can show that their false air of superiority contributes to their sense of self esteem.
Alar, DDT, aliens attacking earth because we are not taking care of the planet, alien life was brought to earth and started evolution,….
And don’t forget all the sideline junk science. For 5 years now the liberals have been predicting more hurricanes. Some day the yearly average will go up. Then they will all scream their predictions were right,… after years of false predictions the media will forget to mention.
The list is endless. And they all seem to end up getting government grants to study the (crisis) problem.
I just did not have enough time or space for all of it. I don’t think BCM would have allowed me to post a 30 page article. And I would have gone crazy researching it.
But you can all add your own examples.