Kangaroo Justice

Guest Post by Loki

Or how America became a country of mob rule.

A self proclaimed Community Watch Commander shoots an unarmed juvenile. No charges have been filed…. yet. But now mob rule has begun. Claims of racism as yet unproven are chanted by the mob. The ‘Reverend’ Al Sharpton flies to the scene to stoke the fires of hate and racism. I guess MSNBC now encourages their hosts to create controversy instead of just reporting the news. Never mind the rule of law. Don’t wait for evidence. No… demands for an immediate arrest are made by the mob, Sharpton and the NAACP. ‘Minister’ Farrakhan threatens retaliation. Interesting how liberal religious leaders always threaten violence.

Of course Eric Holder who can’t find a law broken when members of the Black Panthers intimidate voters now thinks he can find a hate crime he can prosecute.

Now the L.A. city council looks to ban any speech they deem to be racist or hateful. Of course they will be the arbitrators of what is ‘free speech’.

The Own Wall Street crowd is coming out of their hibernation. They riot, trash public facilities with feces and urine, throw garbage and commit crimes. Nancy Pelosi and President Obama stand with them. Yet the peaceful Tea Party is called a hate group and the IRS investigates their tax status. I wonder whey the IRS will begin their investigation of the OWS group’s tax status.

Progressives are using mob rule to trash the legal system and create a nation of ‘fairness’. That of course being for them to judge what is ‘fair’. And the progressives are using the mob to strengthen their rule.

Countries are either defeated by a foreign enemy or slowly poisoned by their own populace. When the rule of law is ignored and ‘fairness’ is defined by mob rule then there is no law and soon their will be no country. Because the only thing that holds a society together is the assurance of the rule of law being followed equally and not redefined daily by the mob. That would be chaos.

5 thoughts on “Kangaroo Justice

  1. Having studied both history and law, I find no fault in your thesis. That is, history shows when the rule of law breaks down, nations fail.

    However, what you seem to overlook is that our legal system has already broken down, and that is the reason why you see mob action on the rise. Indeed, those who pander to the mob were hard at work subverting our legal system long before symptoms of national disintegration became evident.

  2. I tend to state the obvious. Because it seems today nobody likes to state the obvious for fear of being labeled.

    I still believe we have time to save the nation. But I fear the will is not there to suffer the slings and arrows let alone the verbal abuse.

    I fear the next election will either bring us back from the brink… or tip us over.

  3. According to Reuteurs the shooter is now a ‘white Hispanic’.

    I have never heard of such a thing. I now wonder if Reuteurs can find a ‘white Afro-American’.

    What ever it takes to rile the mob.

  4. Whoops… it is Reuters not Reuteurs and it is African-American not a hair style-American. I blame lack of sleep because my cats started pestering me at 4 AM as the reason for my poor thought process.

  5. I thought my wife and I were the only ones on the planet who noticed that construction.

    When I was reading the article, I stopped and said to her, “Hey, guess what? Zimmerman is a white Hispanic!”

    “As opposed to what?” she responded.

    “I have no idea. Maybe they’ll explain it.”

    Of course, they never did. Too bad George Orwell is not around to consult. He could explain it very eloquently and precisely. However, I will give it a try, in my own unlettered and rudimentary way.

    The liberal media dogma holds that all minorities are one big happy family and have one common enemy: the white male. Therefore, it cannot be reported that a black man was “victimized” by a Hispanic man. That does not fit the template. So the adjective “white” is added to the proper noun. Yes, Zimmerman is a minority, but not a “pure” minority. The “impure” part of him is called “white.” And that explains why he “victimized” a black.

    I suppose, if the liberal media really wanted to play this game to the maximum, they could report that Zimmerman’s original name was von Zimmermann before his family changed it.

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