A few of the talking points we’re going to hear for a while from our new president…
“This isn’t our economy, we inherited it.” No – this one is yours. Congress appropriates funds and the Democrats have controlled Congress since 2006. Admittedly, you, Mr. President, were pretty much awol for the last year and a half, but you campaigned for this job. So – You asked for it – you got it.
Damn Lies:
“This is a bi-partisan bill.” No matter how much lipstick you put on it – this pig is yours – all yours. You may have three republican senators voting for the bill, but you lost 11 democrats in the House. Wanna bet the most popular campaign slogan in 2010 won’t be “I supported the Stimulus Bill”?
“A majority of Americans support the stimulus bill.” You wish. And the more they learn about it, the less they support it. Can you hear your approval rating fall? Can you hear it now?
The Peter Principle lives. This is one post turtle who has reached as high as he can go and the only way down isn’t pretty.
No, no it’s cool. We don’t have any economic issues here in MT. Other than a tax cut, do you have any other ideas?
Clearly you’ve not seen any of your relatives or friends or family lose their job recently… must be heaven on your perch.
2HH: “A majority of Americans support the stimulus bill.†You wish. And the more they learn about it, the less they support it. Can you hear your approval rating fall? Can you hear it now?
Where are you getting that from?
Here’s some real stats for you, other than your anecdotal musing:
67% of Americans approve of how Obama is handling the Stimulus package.
What more do you want?
Whereas, 58% disapprove of how Republicans in congress are handling this thing.
Do you have any polls to cite? Or do you just go with your gut?
Drylander ~
You ought to read the papers more than once a week.
“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 37% favor the legislation, 43% are opposed, and 20% are not sure. Sixty-four percent (64%) of Democrats still support the plan. That figure is down from 74% a week ago. Just 13% of Republicans and 27% of those not affiliated with either major party agree.” Go here for the whole piece:
And today’s news probably isn’t making anybody feel any better about the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Economic Team. After Tim Geithner’s explanation about how he misunderstood his income tax obligations, we should have known that this mental midget shouldn’t be left alone with a calculator.
Love the picture, it says it all.
By the way,… did you read about the health care that was put in the stimulas bill. Schwitzer complained about a national ID card, but with this bill all medical information from everybody will be routed through the government. Do you think Schwitzer will complain?
I’ve been reading about it all evening. Scary! Remember back to former Gov. Dick “We have a duty to die” Lamm (D – Colorado)? Guess he wasn’t just speaking hypothetically, huh?
I wonder how much damage Obama and his minions can do in two years? Betcha enough to insure Republican majorities for years to come.
There is a book out by an author who I can’t remember his name at the moment showing a happy face on the cover. Something about how this country will be taken over by facism by trickery and smilely faces.
I didn’t want to believe it. But now I see this country running towards communism and cheering while they run.
I need to stop at Walmart and buy more ammo while they still sell ammo.