The Law of Unintended Consequences

Apparently, Congress figures if they didn’t pass it, the law doesn’t exist.


Remember when the Big 3 Auto Execs were summoned to Washington and were roundly excoriated by the media and members of Congress for their wasteful ways? Remember how, next time the CEO’s traveled to Washington they flew commercial, because the hue and cry over extravagant spending on corporate jets was so loud as to drown out any voices of reason? So what do you think the message was for Corporate America? DON’T OWN YOUR OWN CORPORATE JETS!!!!

Message received. Loud and clear. Roger that.

Now we get this tidbit…

“Lawmakers who scolded executives for failing to fly commercial have now passed a tax incentive to help move more corporate aircraft. The accelerated depreciation included in the economic-stimulus bill was also used after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and helped boost sales by 43%. ‘This will sell aircraft that we wouldn’t have sold before,’ said GOP Rep. Todd Tiahrt of Kansas, where general aviation manufacturers have shed nearly 7,000 jobs.”

Huh? First destroy the industry and then throw taxpayer money to try to help build it back up? Guess that’s one way to solve the problem – create it first.

What was in that pill, Alice?

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