“Don’t think we’re not keeping score, brother.” That’s what President Barack Obama said to Rep. Peter DeFazio in a closed-door meeting of the House Democratic Caucus last week, according to the Associated Press.
Having lived in Oregon for several years and been aware of DeFazio’s liberal leanings, that remark is almost breathtaking in it’s audacity. Never in a million years would anyone ever confuse ol’ Pete with a moderate Democrat. He represents the 4th District which includes Eugene, home of the University of Oregon and the fighting Ducks. (Ok – stop giggling now – c’mon, focus). Let’s just say that DeFazio was progressive before it became “Progressive”. Anyway, even this guy apparently had some trouble swallowing Obama’s stimulus bill and voted against it, so now he finds himself smack dab in the White House crosshairs. Oops. Apparently, though, he has lots of company: “Americans United is going after Democrats who are skeptical of Mr. Obama’s plans to double the national debt in five years and nearly triple it in 10. The White House is taking aim at lawmakers in 12 states, including Democratic Sens. Kent Conrad, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor. MoveOn.Org is running ads aimed at 10 moderate Senate and House Democrats.”
It seems somewhat risky to assume the off-year election won’t follow the usual trend and erode the majority significantly, so a strategy of painting targets on your own guys is surprising at best. Usually, it’s the opposition party that tries to pick off the vulnerable candidates.
But then, we were promised that this would be a new kind of politics – and you have to admit, this is definitely a new tactic. But I’m not so sure it’s a wise one. Especially when the majority of Americans are having serious doubts about his economic plans already.
Generally speaking, it’s not a good sign when the President starts taking out members of his own party this early in the cycle. But heck – there are lots of wayward democrats on Capitol Hill these days.
Wait a minute. Maybe the President learned this from some of our former GOP legislators from the last session. You remember them. They didn’t like the moderate GOP members – it was the preception that you had to be ultra right wing to be considered a member of the Grand Old Party – so they targeted the “perceived” liberal GOP legislators the last election cycle.
What’s that saying – we have met the enemy and he is us.
And I’m sure some people aren’t going to like being reminded about our past. I’m a member of the GOP because I believe in personal rights and freedoms, smaller less intrusive government, the normal boiler plate issues. But what I appreciate about the GOP is the diversity of opinion accepted in the party, from extreme right-wing to moderate – the old DC to daylight syndrome. We don’t march in “lock step” like the other party. We think for ourselves. Unfortunately, sometimes the extremists in our midst think their way is the only way and forget they represent all of us.
And that’s the “art” of governing, representing everyone.
Okay, off my soap box Autie Lib. See what your post has wrought!
So nice to have you back in the blogosphere – we missed you!
You raise an excellent point. The sad thing is that I fear the trend may be continuing outside of the legislature – where a very passionate minority thinks they not only have the answer, but they have the only right answer. They plan to take over the GOP in Montana and push those of us who have not seen the light into the fiery pits of hell – or the arms of the Democrats. That may not be a smart strategy for them either.
This is an issue that needs far more discussion – but I have to close up the laptop and get back to work.
To be continued…
He may be taking American names but he sure is kissing Saudi *SS.
If you thought the backlash from Bush was bad, just think what the backlash from Obama will be like in 3.8 years. The Democrat party will be damaged for decades.
p.s. I hear the Republican Tedisco is winning in NY. Has the backlash already started? From Hillary to Tedisco in less then 100 days.
Haven’t checked in with this site in ages, I am a faithful reader, I think Basket Case Manager is brilliant and it always brightens my day to see what the folks at 2HB are chatting about. I have had an opportunity this weekend to spend time with a former Montana candidate for Governor and his wisdom and intellect make me realize how important it is to stay on top of our world affairs like 2HB does. I’m hoping he too will become a faithful follower and contributor. Thanks 2HB for all your good words, excellent research and wit and wisdom keeping us informed on the ‘dangers that lurk’ out there in the bloggesphere…..
Glad to have you in the audience ET! I see that you stop by pretty frequently and I’m delighted that you had a chance to share this insight! Thanks for the kind words!