A serious lack of experience shouldn’t disqualify a guy from getting a job. He’s smart. He’ll be able to figure it out.


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One thought on “O J T

  1. I heard that Obama was going to get the UN to write a stern warning to North Korea.

    I guess sitting down with terrorist supporting nations and talking is not working so well. But Obama brought it on himself. From bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia and taking Hugo Chavez’s book and shaking his hand he has shown the despots of the world that he is willing to talk and talk and talk. This allows them to complete their plans to consolidate their positions unoposed. After pretty much stating that he would not use force they are confident that he will do nothing while they advance their policies.

    I fear that the next few years will be a time of world political upheaval. While it might not turn into a shooting world war the balance of power will shift from the USA to China, Russia and any other country that is willing to use force and intimidation. Who knows, someday we may even be kowtowed by France.

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