Okay – I think I get it. We have to do the bail-out thing, because Congress hasn’t been able to get it right for the past thirty years.
It was during the Carter years when “affordable housing” first somehow crept into the Bill of Rights. One of those secret amendments, y’know. Not a whole lot of impact during the Reagan era, but things really took off while Bill Clinton was enjoying the perks of the Oval Office. By then, clever community organizers in big cities like Chicago found ways to haul in millions and millions of taxpayer funds to create great wealth for special friends and simultaneously create super fabulous rat-infested dumps for the community. What a deal.
Seems nobody was paying a whole bunch of attention to the goings on at Freddie and Fannie’s, while the money geniuses on Wall St. discovered a shell game where they could leverage the mortgage loan packages about thirty times – and – even better could indulge in naked short sales (sounds like a Clinton thing, huh?) until they finally reached critical mass. And the whole thing fell down or blew up. Whichever. Bang. Boom. Bust.
So now “we the people” get to charge to the rescue. Why am I not thrilled with the opportunity? Perhaps because I don’t think they’re going to get it right this time either.
So what can we do about it?
Probably not much – but I figure I’ll start my own little protest and anyone can join in. Since it’s a given that Max will win again anyway – instead of voting for him – or the always popular “NOTA”, I’m going to cast my ballot for Bob Kelleher. If enough of us do that, the vote could be close enough to scare Max so he and Jon will get the message that we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!
I say we call for an independent investigation (no politicians allowed) into what caused the failure and then demand resignations of those who allowed this failure to come to fruition.
Notice the democrats who ask for independent investigations for everything Bush does have not made a peep about one for this fiasco.
With our luck, Mike McGrath will be appointed lead counsel.
The vote for Kelleher is a no-brainer.
The people at the financial institutions that created these stupid new loans, like the ARMS, the Negative Amortization, the Interest Only, etc.. so they could entice people that are too stupid to realize that they could NOT afford the house they were buying, should all be lined up and marched off a short dock. These are the same people that packaged these high risk loans into the Mortgage Backed Securities and CDOs, letting investors think the investment was rock solid.
Of course, Fractional Reserve Banking and a FIAT currency have never survived for long and time and time again, many a country has been brought down because of it. History just keeps repeating.
It’s time to realize that a house is not a credit card and that you are supposed to have to actually do some work for that new SUV in the driveway and the exotic vacation you just took. The chickens have come home to roost and the fertilizer is about to hit the fan.
I don’t know if the bailout was necessary or not. But, I know that small businesses were starting to get hurt because they couldn’t get any credit. If the bailout is going to help, I sure hope that it starts to help the economy soon because it is getting really bad for people.
First gas price, then mortages, now jobs and a bailout. It seems like Congress doesn’t have any idea how much people are suffering. I found this site that is collecting stories about how the economy is affecting us. They plan to put them together so they can relay a message to Congress. I sent in my story. Check it out. . .
I keep checking back because they are going to post the stories on the site. I really want to see what other people have to say. I hear stuff from my neighbors, but what about people in other parts of the country.