Tell Fritz to Get Screwed!

In case you haven’t heard yet – the judge in the GM bankruptcy case has ruled that your stimulus tax dollars are more appropriately used to support jobs in Russia and South Africa rather than here in Montana.

Can you friggin’ believe it???? Over $63 billion dollars from hard-working Americans has been paid out to keep GM from going – pardon the expression – tits up, and the American judicial system approves GM’s request to cancel its contract with Stillwater Mining – the only American producer of palladium and platinum – in favor of “lower cost” contracts with foreign suppliers.

When this story first broke, several state bloggers mentioned it and just the other day an online petition circulated gathering signatures to send to our Congressional delegation. Senators Baucus and Tester, Rep. Rehberg, and Governor Schweitzer all issued press releases indicating they were opposed to GM’s request and I assume they made whatever contacts they could – apparently to no avail. I have no idea where the United Steel Workers’ International Union has been, but evidently the UAW and their fancy lawyers couldn’t be bothered to enter an amicus brief on behalf of their union brothers – so I guess Stillwater was just friendless and SOL on this one.

There probably isn’t much we can do to actually change anything, but we can let GM’s new CEO know how we feel about this incredibly anti-American decision. Turns out that General Motors Co. Chief Executive Frederick “Fritz”mk-ax304_tellfr_d_20090719175323 Henderson is launching a public-relations salvo by activating an online suggestion box called Tell Fritz. If you can think of anything that you might want to share with this stupid jerk brilliant executive about his decision to save foreign companies at the expense of hardworking Montanans, why don’t you shoot a little public relations salvo of your own.

After I finish chewing a bag of nails and spitting out a couple of bags of tacks, I plan to chat with Fritz myself and suggest what he might do with his foreign contracts. I’m pretty sure it will involve some extreme anatomical gymnastics.

3 thoughts on “Tell Fritz to Get Screwed!

  1. I believe, from my rather extensive missions dealing with the people at the state that you’ll want to use appropriate terminology. So I’ll be telling Fritz to “attempt auto-fornication” in a missive myself.

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