Go Ahead, Turn Yourself In

Please feel free to forward this message to flag@whitehouse.gov. Perhaps this administration will get the message that there are Americans left out here who are willing to stand up and even fight for our country against all tyranny, foreign or DOMESTIC. While you are at it, maybe you can add a few thoughts of your own, and share it with your friends, so they can be as patriotic as you.

fragments_home_editor_letter_image1Dear President Obama, et. al. ~

In order to save some time and effort on the part of the minions that you have encouraged to spy on me, I am writing to turn myself in regarding your official White House request for people to contact you and let you know if they have heard any rumors and ‘casual conversations,’ or seen any e-mails surfacing against your so-called ‘health insurance reform’ bill.

Not only have I seen these things, but I have also forwarded them to everyone in my address book, posted about them this blog, other message boards and Face Book ad nauseam and I have discussed them (out loud!) in public restaurants during dinner with my friends and family members. I have worked to expose the absurdity of your scheme to destroy America over the phone, internet and fax when I corresponded with my duly elected representatives in an effort to let them know my views in opposition to this horrific bill so that they can actually REPRESENT me in voting against it. I’ve signed several internet petitions and joined online groups opposing this travesty!

I have dared to exercise my FREEDOM of SPEECH, (as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States the last time I looked), in my frequent writings against this bill to deconstruct my way of life.

I listen to talk radio. Worse yet, I listen to CONSERVATIVE talk radio with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Fred Thompson. And to top that off, I actually LAUGHED at several jokes that may not have been as politically correct on this issue as you demand, but at least they weren’t directed at innocent Special Olympic kids.

Oh yeah… I dress nicely for a member of a mob ~ certainly not as lavishly as Michelle Obama in her $500 tennis shoes, but I’m probably a little more presentable than most of the “entitled” thugs in your “spontaneous” mobs ~ you know, the poor, disadvantaged and uneducated lazy bums you have inspired to join ACORN to train to be ‘professional’ agitators. What’s more I can actually read the signs I make myself and carry!

OK ~ I’m guilty as charged! I’m a conservative, pro-life, Jesus loving Christian, an active Republican, proud Sarah Palin supporting, white woman. I’m old enough for AARP, but I wouldn’t belong to that group of progressive-liberal hacks for all the senior-citizen discounts in the world. English is my only language. I am a patriotic, hard working, tax-paying American citizen with a certified copy of my original birth certificate, who loves my country with no apologies and I don’t bow down to anyone, let alone terrorist dictators. I support the troops, respect my elders, and eat too much apple pie, so there’s plenty of me for the health Czar to shun in public. People know who I am. None of my records are sealed. I’m not afraid and don’t hide my true self behind LIES or a platoon of highly paid attorneys like you do.

I don’t appreciate you screwing over America and I’m going to continue to express my TRANSPARENT opinion against your pompous, radical actions in every way I can.

What the HELL are YOU going to do about it?


A Loyal American Citizen

12 thoughts on “Go Ahead, Turn Yourself In

  1. I just go to daily kos and the huffington post and download a whole page and forward it. I hope to overload their file handlers.

    ACORN/SEIU, the brownshirts of 2009.

  2. Minister Ryan;

    How could a minister be so judgmental. Ministers care about our souls, not our political beliefs.

    Mind if I see your credentials? I’ve been seeing too many ‘life-long’ conservatives and fake soldiers posting that I’m begining to belive that there is some astroturffing going on with fake credentials.

  3. This is not patriotic, its disruptive. All these crackpots out here “protesting” are really only keeping progress from happening. Your angry? I get that! You want change? I understand. If you stopped being so righteous for 5 minutes you’d realize there is a better way than “Mobbing” town hall meetings and ridiculous, meaningless letters to get a point out.

    Besides your real issue is clear as day – you dislike the President & everything he stands for, most likely because he’s a democrat, he’s intelligent & possibly because he looks different than you!

  4. Helen;

    Protesters = crackpots
    Protesting = antiprogress
    Protesters should shutup.
    Protesters are ‘righteous’ (read religious nuts)
    Protesters are for anti-intelligence. (read stupitiy)
    Protesters are racist. (Her mind reading devined this)
    Protesters are against ‘better way’. (read progress)

    Boy Helen, you covered just about everything from the DNC manual. Did you get that from SEIU or ACORN. Although it does sound like something Nancy Pelosi would say.

    Your views are biased and rigid. Not only that they are simplistic demonization of opposing views worthy of your mediocre propagandist statements. Please try for some originality in future posts.

    Besides as Hillary Clinton stated dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

  5. Basket Case Manager;

    Hope I’m not getting to mouthy. Been feeling like a good arguement for awhile and it looked like the seminar writers were out.

  6. jlw ~

    Go for it!!! This topic needs all the discussion it can get. The ad hominem attacks and strawmen arguments need to be refuted – and I have to get my butt in the shower and get to work. You are hereby designated as the Head Basket Case. Let ’em have it!!!

  7. Keep on calling us Crackpots, Mobs, Nazis, Brown shirts and the like. See what it gets you. I won’t support those who would make a din just to stop any discussion, but there are plenty of people who are necessarily shouting to be heard. They are people with honest disagreement with this plan.
    I would suggest that loud protests be done outside meetings and strong voices (in an effort to be heard) be used in meetings.

    And Helen- Suggesting that opponents of Obamacare are racists is out of line. It’s offensive as well as being unsubstantiated. I guess you think we’re all monsters anyway, so what’s the harm in a few more stereotypical labels? Just this- It defaces your reputation, not mine.

  8. Ah Helen….”progress” seems to be in the mind of the beholder. Real progress in health care reform should include at the very outset tort reform; and if you’ve noticed, trial lawyers are a protected class.

    If name-calling is your thing, have at it. As Rocky Smith suggested, go ahead if it’s the best you can do.

  9. Helen,

    People are upset because their representatives are not representing them. They feel they have no voice and then, when there is an appropriate venue, they are “hushed”, locked out, shouted down or beat up. Why do you feel the need to silence them? Are you saying you don’t believe in freedom of speech and freedom of assembly? Intelligent? That is debatable, looks different than me? all of them have/do.

    Don’t you have any new talking points or do you need to get an upgrade to obot 2.0?

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