Take the time to watch and listen to this video.
WHY DOESN’T OBAMA RELEASE HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE? Methinks the Progressive/Left Wing/Howard Dean fringe, in concert with BHO, have conspired to hijack the Democratic Party by perpetrating a series of frauds including illegal voter registration and culminating in putting forth a candidate who is not eligible to be President. They were successful in stopping Hillary who should have been the Dem. candidate. We cannot let them continue on this path. Demand to see a CERTIFIED copy of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE NOW!!!!!
Thank you for your courage in posting this article. Let’s keep up the fight. This is a brewing crisis and America needs to know all about it.
Take care out there.
No Sheeples Here!
While it appears that Obama may indeed have been born in Kenya to an underage Mother, thereby disqualifying him for US citizenship, here’s a new wrinkle to consider:
According to the writer, “Obama Is a Natural Born US citizen, regardless of place of birth, because his parent’s marriage was invalid. The problem comes down to the validity of Obama’s parent’s marriage. When he was 18, Barack Obama Sr. married a woman named Kezia and had four children with her. Two of them later returned to Kenya from the United States. He never divorced her. In the US, polygamy is illegal. If you are already married, regardless of where you got married, all subsequent marriages are invalid. This is the case with the marriage of Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. in February 1961. Barak Obama Jr. was born out of wedlock. As a child born out of wedlock, a different citizenship law is applied.â€
The writer went on to explain: “The U.S. citizen parent, and the foreign parent must be married. The actual law pertaining to this issue can be found here .â€
The writer then provided this US law:
7 FAM 1133.4-3 Birth Out of Wedlock to American Mother
(TL:CON-68; 04-01-1998) a. Section 309 (c) INA:
A child born abroad out of wedlock after December 24, 1952, to a U.S. citizen mother acquires U.S. citizenship if the mother was physically present continuously for 1 year in the United States or its outlying possessions at any time prior to the child’s birth.
It just gets more and more interesting 🙂
HI, Yes that meets the requirement for citizenship, just not POTUS. For President of the United States you must be natural born; meanting soil. also citizens are not elegible for POTUS unless natural born. He is a citizen undoubtedly… born abroad not natural born us