Donner, Party of One

The presidential primary race is quickly devolving into something worse than a farce. It’s rapidly becoming a self-destructing tragedy that may have repercussions far beyond November. For some reason – unfathomable to many of us in the cheap seats – Willard “Mittens” Romney is apparently the anointed titular heir to the mantle of such successful GOP candidates as Barry Goldwater (’64), Gerald Ford (’76), GWH Bush (’92), Bob Dole (’96), and John McCain (’08). Wow – they worked out so well for us, didn’t they?

Recent events seem to indicate that the conservative victories of 2010 made little or no impression on the GOP elite. I guess they thought the TEA Party was no more than a flash in the pan and Nixon’s old “Silent Majority” would just STFU and go away by now.

As the 2012 primary season continued through summer and fall, it was increasingly evident that the foot soldiers of the Republican Party were less than excited about a rerun of the 2008 “Also Ran Romney Show”. One “Not-Romney” candidate after another rose and fell: Bachmann, Perry, Cain. The only competitor that didn’t have his moment in the spotlight was Jon Huntsman – who could never convince the voters that he wasn’t really just Mittens Lite.

Enter the resurgent Newt Gingrich in Iowa and South Carollina. And the knives came out with all the ferocity of the Roman Senators against Julius Caesar. “Et tu, Brute” in spades! Talking heads, media mavens, conservative columnists, Congressional colleagues – all of them turned on Gingrich like a woman scorned. Oh, yeah, one of those too. Even John “I wouldn’t attack Obama on his lack of experience, his left-wing, violent, anti-American friends, or his narcissistic, socialist values” McCain, and the Good Rev. Mike “I never called Mitt dishonest” Huckabee have buried the blade and twisted it in a desperate attempt to preserve the predetermined outcome for their very bestest buddy in all the world – Willard Bain Romneycare.

And how have these Establishment Elites skewered Gingrich? By dragging out the Liberal Bible, Saul Alinsky Version, of course, which the left had used successfully against Newt almost twenty years ago. Sarah Palin described the tactics in her best-selling book, Going Rogue:

…One of the left’s favorite weapons is frivolous ethics complaints. That’s what they used to bring down the architect of the 1994 “Republican Revolution”, Newt Gingrich.
Prior to the election of 1994, the Democrats had held a majority in the House of Representatives for nearly 4 decades. Working with a team of grassroots activists, Newt selected and trained candidates, shaped a political message, and became what [David] Horowitz called “something rare in Republican politics–a genuine movement leader.”
To the left, that meant one thing: he had to be eliminated. There are many fine Democrat public servants, but sadly many in the party have moved increasingly left, and often the beating heart of their political warfare had been the personal distruction of their enemies. Generally speaking, after decades of failed social policies and weak national security positions, the party doesn’t have a strong base of success from which to win political arguments. So it targets people instead of ideas.
Back in the 1990s, Democrats had Newt in their sights. And strangely enough, the more influential he became, the more “unethical” he became–at least if you count the number of complaints filed against him. Horowitz wrote, “Eventually, Democrats lodged seventy-four separate charges against Gingrich, sixty-five were summarily ‘laughed out the committee’.
Over time the cloud of ethical questions hanging over Newt reached critical mass. Instead of defending their own, Republicans on certain committees forced Newt to concede one charge.
-Governor Palin in Going Rogue (page 363-364)

Since it worked so well for the Democrats back then, the mental midgets brilliant strategists in the Romney contingent have adopted the same tactics to assure Willard’s primary victory and – in all probability – his defeat in the general election. In their scorched-earth campaign to destroy Newt by any and every means possible – except having a healthy and honest debate about policies, ideas, records, and visions for the country (Which Romney would lose handily) – these Ivy League Entitlement Elites have sowed the seeds of destruction for the GOP by cementing it as the infamous cannibalistic Donner Party.

Governor Palin again summed up the situation perfectly on her recent FaceBook post when she wrote:

… [I]n South Carolina the Tea Party chose to get behind him [Newt] instead of the old guard’s choice. In response, the GOP establishment voices denounced South Carolinian voters with the same vitriol we usually see from the left when they spew hatred at everyday Americans “bitterly clinging” to their faith and their Second Amendment rights. The Tea Party was once again told to sit down and shut up and listen to the “wisdom” of their betters. We were reminded of the litany of Tea Party endorsed candidates in 2010 who didn’t win. Well, here’s a little newsflash to the establishment: without the Tea Party there would have been no historic 2010 victory at all.
…We truly need sudden and relentless reform in Washington to defend our republic, though it’s becoming clearer that the old guard wants anything but that. That is why we should all be concerned by the tactics employed by the establishment this week. We will not save our country by becoming like the left. And I question whether the GOP establishment would ever employ the same harsh tactics they used on Newt against Obama. I didn’t see it in 2008. Many of these same characters sat on their thumbs in ‘08 and let Obama escape unvetted. Oddly, they’re now using every available microscope and endoscope – along with rewriting history – in attempts to character assassinate anyone challenging their chosen one in their own party’s primary.

This full-out effort to destroy any competition to Romney may succeed in the short run when he has the money to outspend Newt and the rest of the GOP pack by 3 to 1, but when Obama and Axelrod, who will have even more millions than Willard can imagine playing with, bring out the giant proctoscope and shove it up Romney’s nether regions, it’s entirely possible that the ultimate outcome will be, shall we say, unsatisfactory?

The purpose of the primaries is to weed out the field and end up with the strongest candidate. What we are experiencing is nothing of that sort. What we are witnessing is nothing less than political cannibalism of the highest order. Unfortunately, the victor will not be the strongest candidate, but the slimiest, most self-serving SOB who comes to the party with knives and forks and a ready supply of barbecue sauce.

Donner Party, your table is ready. Table for one.

Fantasy Competition

I got this idea from a comment over at Legal Insurrection.

President Obumbles spent another few million of your dollars flying Air Force 1 down to Orlando, Florida for an important 18 minute policy speech on tourism a stupid photo op at Disney world. Like so many of his decisions, this one has tremendous potential for creative punnery. I invite you to submit your own entry and maybe we’ll have a vote to choose the best caption for this photo.

Here are a couple of ideas to get you started:

“The Lyin’ King”

“When You Wish Upon A Czar”

“Beauty and the Boast”

You get the idea – go for it….

Oh, and just because I cracked up at this cartoon that I found while researching images for this piece:

Want to Live? Then You Are a Racist

Guest Post by Loki

Someone has written a new application for the IPhone. It maps crimes for display on the screen. The higher the crime rate in the neighborhood the more it shows the area as a high crime rate area. Simple… till political correctness raises it’s ugly stupid head.

Since there is a lot of crime in minority urban areas (think ghetto) these areas are marked to be avoided. So if you avoid these areas you are racially profiling. Even owning the application can be ‘sign’ that you support racist ideas.

So to avoid being a racist and being politically correct you can not use your IPhone to avoid minority areas. You now must drive your Range Rover waving your Rolex decorated arm through ghettos to show that you are not profiling.

So being intelligent, wanting to live and being technically savvy is now racist. You now have to be stupid suicidal and not own an IPhone to show you are not a racist. Which is a great example of how being liberal means you must be stupid… or at least technically challenged.

Government Motors

Guest Post by Loki

Amongst the bailouts (think supporter payback) the Obama Administration sent $529 million to Finland (no, Finland is not in the USA) to support electric cars. For its $529 million the Finnish company Fisker has built 40 Karma (ironic name choice) cars so far. That amounts to about $13 million per car… so far. I am sure with mass production they should be able to bring the price below $10 million per car. The administration defends this arrangement and assures us that Al Gore being a partner of the company has no relevance. I guess even Obama was not impressed with the Chevy Volt. Maybe because the Chevy Volt is built to government standards. By the way the Fisker Karma like the Chevy Volt is also prone to burning to the ground.

Leonardo DiCaprio has purchased one of these government subsidized vehicles for only $100,000 easily affordable by the average American tax payer. I wonder how Fisker stays in business selling a car for much less than their production costs. I hope DiCaprio purchased his vehicle before the end of 2011 and received his tax write-off for electric vehicles.

So don’t you feel better about Obama as you drive your 10-year-old sedan down the road? I know I feel better knowing my tax dollars are keeping a worker in Finland employed and a Hollywood actor mobile.


Well you all know I’m a thoughtful and considerate soul, so when someone I know needs help, I like to do whatever I can to assist.

Turns out one of our Republican candidates for Secretary of State is not only looking for a job, but is apparently seeking a honey to bang as well, so he’s trying his luck on the internet – specifically on (I guess he’s struck out with all the ladies who hang at his regular watering holes.) So, just in case you missed it, let me share the highlights (H/T to my buddy Anon.):

I really am just an old cowboy. I have spent most of my life in and around the horse and cattle industries in one way or another (the hat and the horse in my pics actually do belong to me). I have also taken a side-trip into the political arena. I am equally at home in the cow lot and the Capitol (although, there were some days in the Capitol when it was hard to tell the difference… if you get my drift).

I would like to think that I qualify as a gentleman, and I know I very much enjoy the company of a lady. That having been said, I truly appreciate a woman who is ready, willing and able to do for herself but is secure enough to let a man do things for her. I really enjoy spoiling a lady and pretty much like it when she wants to spoil me once in a while too…

…So, if you’ve been waiting for a tall, lean cowboy/politician who is a reasonably acceptable cook, passable dancer and a fair hand with a horse… to happen to wander by… here I am.

There’s lots more, of course, if you get my drift, but since I don’t have an account at, I can’t provide a link. Interested parties will have to find it on their own – but I did verify it – it’s there (as of today, if you get my drift).

This is what I’d call a “bikini profile”: What it shows is exciting but what it hides is important. For some reason, he failed to mention a few things that a lady might find interesting:

– Short-term “serial employment” in the private sector – at least 10 different jobs (with different employers) in about 20 years. In other words, the ol’cowboy can’t hang onto a job longer than it takes a rodeo bronc to hurl his ass airborne.

– Losing three out of four major elections – Senate in 2000, Secretary of State in 2008, and PSC in 2010. Nothin’ spells loser quite like that.

– Attempting to pay over $50,000 in illegal bonuses to his appointed staff after losing the 2008 election. You really can’t say anymore than that about his fiscal responsibility and accountability. Watch your bank accounts, ladies. The ride you go on with this ol’ cowboy could be expensive.

– Chronic drinking that eventually led to his arrest and conviction for driving under the influence with a BAC over three times the legal limit. Because a drunk cowboy is a time-honored tradition, donchaknow?

Since not every wannabe cowgirl who might be interested in a washed-up ego with a cowboy hat and big belt buckle Justanolcowboy is on, I wanted to help get the word out that ol’ BJ’s out there looking for a new squeeze. Feel free to share…

I would suggest that any lady who is thinking of pursuing a romantic interlude with this prize cowpoke should take a look at his latest campaign finance report to get an inkling of his chances of continuing his career as a politician – just in case the whole idea of an unemployed cowpoke who’s been rode hard and put away wet too many times isn’t exactly what you thought he was selling’ and it sure as hell ain’t what you’re aiming’ to buy.

The Candidate for All Ages

This is another of Newt’s brilliant extemporaneous responses to a question asked at a recent town hall meeting. Not only is he charming and funny, he makes the point so clearly as to why we all need to be paying attention to this election and make sure that the candidate we choose can handle the job.

Top Ten D’oh Predictions for 2012

Guest Post by Loki

10. Iraq will fall to Islamic extremists who will install Sharia Law. The country will fall into disrepair. President Obama will blame Bush and the media will find ‘evidence’ to sustain the charge.

9. The economy will continue a languid climb out of the latest recession, which it would have done sooner if President Obama had not interfered. The media will praise Obama’s recovery with daily updates of anything that shows the economy recovering.

8. President Obama will declare the Tea Party a flawed and failed ideal. The media will agree and continue to dig up any dirt to expose the Tea Party as the party of hate and violence.

7. The media will continue to shovel praise on members of Own Wall Street declaring them the new direction for Congress to follow.

6. President Obama will go golfing and tie Il Jung Il’s golfing record (according to the media).

5. The Obama family will go on a vacation. The media will declare that it is needed for Obama to recover from the hate attacks from the Republican Party.

4. The media will find ‘evidence’ to support Obama’s declaration that he is the 4th best president.

3. The European economy will continue to falter. Obama will blame Bush and his ‘illegal wars’. The media will continue to find evidence to support his claim.

2. Chris Mathews will regain his thrill up his leg for Obama.

And the number one D’oh prediction for 2012…

1. Democrats declare that it is time to add the first black president to Mt Rushmore,… and if you disagree you are a racist!