Campaign Smackdown

H/T Chrissey the Hyphenated at Polination

We’ve been hearing for months that the Rehberg/Tester race is going to be one of the hardest fought battles this election, but the events at Saturday’s debate at Big Sky illustrate just exactly how bruising and bloody things could get over the next four months.

The wife of GOP Congressman Denny Rehberg found herself the target of a Democratic activist after a U.S. Senate debate in Montana, the Daily Caller reported Tuesday.

A Rehberg campaign staffer who witnessed the confrontation said that “a female Tester supporter in her late thirties attempted to push her way into a group that included the congressman, who was entertaining questions from reporters, and his wife, daughter Katie and staff,” Caroline May wrote at the Daily Caller.

The environmental activist began hitting Mrs. Rehberg with a rolled up Tester sign after exchanging words with her.

The activist and two of her cohorts were thrown off the premises by David O’Connor, managing partner of the Buck T-4.

How’s that for classy?

One would hope that Tester will quickly be getting the word out to his supporters that literally beating up the opposition, including the candidate’s wife and daughter, is generally not a winning campaign tactic and certainly not something Montanans find endearing. Having the national media spotlight shining on the kind of unsavory conduct that’s typically associated with big-city thuggery sure can’t be the image that the Montana democrats want to convey to the electorate.

If this is how liberal activists plan on routinely conducting themselves at campaign events around the state, we are in for a… ummm… “colorful” summer. The colors being black and blue, not the usual red, white, and blue.

And in November Montana voters will color Jon Tester and his fellow democrats out of office.

Subtle Bias

Guest post by Loki

I have long believed the Helena Independent Record has a decidedly liberal bias. Today my curiosity found even more evidence to support my belief.

I was reading the Helena IR Sunday looking at the bestseller book lists. I was looking at the nonfiction hardcover list when I noticed Rachel Maddow’s book ‘Drift’ was listed as number two on the list. But I couldn’t find Bill O’Reilly’s book ‘Killing Lincoln’ or Edward Klein’s book ‘The Amateur’.

So I quickly searched my way to the New York Times bestseller’s list. There I found ‘Killing Lincoln’ at number six and ‘The Amateur” at number one. I had to search way down the list to find Maddow’s book ‘Drift’ at twenty-eighth on the list.

So even in the entrainment and lifestyles section of the Helena IR they have found a way to give a biased view of the world to their captive readers. No wonder there is such a large group of liberals in Helena. The ordinary citizens’ only news sources in Helena are all liberal.

Subtle bias influences people so that they don’t even know they are being influenced. And the Helena IR seems to have learned this lesson well.

Can You Believe This?!?!?

Censorship is one of those “It doesn’t happen here kind of things.” But, obviously, it is going on right here in good ol’ Montana – and in our public school system:

A high-school principal told Oscar-winner Gerald Molen he could not deliver his speech because he is a “right-wing conservative…” Gerald Molen won a best picture Oscar for co-producing Schindler’s List with Steven Spielberg and has produced such Hollywood blockbusters as the first two Jurassic Park films and Twister. He’s a former U.S. Marine and is a sought-after motivational speaker…Molen is one of those rare conservatives in Hollywood (he’s even making a documentary called 2016, based on the Dinesh D’Souza book The Roots of Obama’s Rage) and because of that, he says, Ronan High School principal Tom Stack decided to disinvite him — and he didn’t tell him so until after Molen made the 90-minute drive from his home in Bigfork, Mont… When speaking to students, Molen’s presentations usually invoke Oskar Schindler, who is credited with saving 1,100 Jews during the Holocaust and is the subject of the Oscar-winning 1993 film that Molen co-produced with Spielberg and Branko Lustig.
For the Ronan students, Molen planned to use Schindler as an example of what courageous individuals could accomplish, and he also planned to ask them to “imagine your future is a movie. Forty years from now, you’re writing a script about your accomplishments. What would that script look like?”
“It was a totally apolitical speech,” Molen said.

Read the whole story here and Mr. Molen’s letter to the Daily Interlake here.

Are you shocked? Amazed? Disgusted????

It’s time we all get behind Sandy Welch for Superintendent of Public Instruction. We need a new emphasis on educating our children rather than indoctrinating them!

H/T to Loki for the link to the story.

Miller Time’s Up

No big shock to most of us, but Ken Miller’s campaign has officially crashed and burned. First the Northwest Montana Patriots Association (a/k/a TEA Party) sent out a scathing email on Wednesday disavowing Ken’s claims of being the TEA Party’s favorite candidate:

The purpose of this letter is to make it known that NOT ALL Montana Patriots are for Ken Miller and that his claim to have the endorsement of the Northwest Association of Patriots is an outright LIE!! Up until a couple of months ago we thought Ken Miller was a nice guy, yet, not capable of running the State of Montana due to having zero education, zero executive experience, and the fact that KEN MILLER has lost almost all his campaign staff on two separate occasions! We were going to keep our thoughts to ourselves, but after all that has happened over the past two months we have decided to speak up!

The message goes on to cite three more reasons for their – ummm – “lack of support”: Pending charges of violations of campaign finance laws filed by his former campaign Treasurer; not only breaking the Montana ban on robo-calls, but his lame excuse that “the law is unenforceable ” as justification for the infraction; and finally, his dishonest claims that the conservative organization had endorsed Miller. Seems they aren’t too thrilled with possibly losing their 501C-4 status just so Kenny can beef up his imaginary “robust” campaign. Funny that.

To top that off, today was really not a good day for the Miller team either. The Commissioner of Political Practices issued a ruling on the allegations of campaign finance violations – it is certainly not pretty if you thought you were supporting an ethical, Christian man. There really isn’t much doubt that honesty and integrity are in short supply in the Miller for Governor organization.

Apparently the whispers that Ken blushingly acknowledges on his website of “being too honest for politics” came from voices in his own head.

Say good night Ken – the party’s over.