No big shock to most of us, but Ken Miller’s campaign has officially crashed and burned. First the Northwest Montana Patriots Association (a/k/a TEA Party) sent out a scathing email on Wednesday disavowing Ken’s claims of being the TEA Party’s favorite candidate:
The purpose of this letter is to make it known that NOT ALL Montana Patriots are for Ken Miller and that his claim to have the endorsement of the Northwest Association of Patriots is an outright LIE!! Up until a couple of months ago we thought Ken Miller was a nice guy, yet, not capable of running the State of Montana due to having zero education, zero executive experience, and the fact that KEN MILLER has lost almost all his campaign staff on two separate occasions! We were going to keep our thoughts to ourselves, but after all that has happened over the past two months we have decided to speak up!
The message goes on to cite three more reasons for their – ummm – “lack of support”: Pending charges of violations of campaign finance laws filed by his former campaign Treasurer; not only breaking the Montana ban on robo-calls, but his lame excuse that “the law is unenforceable ” as justification for the infraction; and finally, his dishonest claims that the conservative organization had endorsed Miller. Seems they aren’t too thrilled with possibly losing their 501C-4 status just so Kenny can beef up his imaginary “robust” campaign. Funny that.
To top that off, today was really not a good day for the Miller team either. The Commissioner of Political Practices issued a ruling on the allegations of campaign finance violations – it is certainly not pretty if you thought you were supporting an ethical, Christian man. There really isn’t much doubt that honesty and integrity are in short supply in the Miller for Governor organization.
Apparently the whispers that Ken blushingly acknowledges on his website of “being too honest for politics” came from voices in his own head.
Say good night Ken – the party’s over.
Pretty accurate assessment I’d say!
If the Miller’s wrote checks to pay campaign expenses without being listed as treasurer or deputy treasurer on the campaign’s C-1 form, they are guilty of violating the law.