There’s a new Disney movie about to hit the movie theaters this month. Based on the fairy tale about the princess who succumbs to the pleadings of a pathetic amphibian, the Princess and the Frog will undoubtedly become another classic.
Like so many fairy tales, this one is full of real life parallels and metaphors. There’s that whole “judging a book by its cover” theme. And the “no pain – no gain” thing. Not to mention, “try it you’ll like it”.
After watching the movie trailer the other night I’ve been thinking on this subject particularly as it pertains to some of the stuff going on in DC lately, especially the healthcare bill.
(Stick with me on this…)
The stuff we’ve seen coming out of the House and the Senate so far has maybe a wart or two, right? But, perhaps we have judged too harshly.
Ok, so there’s the whole cost issue (aw, what’s a trillion – mostly just a bunch of zeros), rationing (hush, grandma – they won’t really be “panels”), public option (Dingy Harry said they agreed there wouldn’t be a public option and you can believe every word he says), abortion funding (“trust us”), cuts in Medicare, unfunded liabilities to the states, and on and on – over three thousand pages-worth between the two bills. But golly, maybe we need to be a little more open-minded and understanding and at least consider planting a big one on this baby.
After all, it’s not easy being green – and some froggies can be kinda cute….
So, lets imagine that we’re willing to let ourselves be seduced by Obama’s promises of lower costs, unrestricted access, universal coverage, rainbows and unicorns for all. Admittedly, we have to undergo frontal lobotomies first, but what could happen???
The Democrats have sure puckered up for this toad. But I think I’d rather pass. I’m not feeling the happily ever aftering.