‘Tis the season for Christmas Bells, Jingle Bells, Silver Bells, I Heard the Bells, Carol of the Bells, Bells Will Be Ringing, and so many other traditional pieces that ring in the glorious holiday festivities.
As I sit here watching the snow gently falling on the frozen – albeit globally warmed – ground, I thought it appropriate to share a few of the dingy people and events from the past year that keep ringing through my mind. This is not a comprehensive list. Feel free to share your own ding-dong winners in the comments section.
10.) The White House’s declaration of war on Fox News.
9.) Obama’s speech to school children at the beginning of the school year.
8.) “We have to spend our way out of this recession.” – Joe Biden
7.) “Every month we don’t pass this economic recovery bill 500 million Americans will loose their jobs.” – Nancy Pelosi
6.) “I went out of my way to be up and up.†– Max Baucus
5.) Obama’s pitch on behalf of Chicago’s bid to the International Olympic Committee.
4.) MIchelle Obama’s fashion stylist and the incredibly obnoxious outfits she has advised the First Lady to wear.
3.) Arlen Specter’s defense of the Justice Department’s decision to hold Kalid Sheik Muhammed’s trial in NYC by explaining that, “It’s important that we are seen as a nation of laws and the world knows that he can get a fair trial. Besides, even if he’s found ‘not guilty’, we aren’t going to release him anyway.”
2.) ACORN staff aiding and abetting efforts to evade taxes and import underage girls for illegal prostitution.
And the biggest dingalings of all….
1.) All those Obama supporters poor suckers who are still out there waiting for for their “Obama money”.