“Verbum Sapienti Satis Est”

I hope that Jon Tester is watching the election returns tonight.

Senator, if you aren’t listening to what your constituents are telling you, please understand: THEY WILL FIRE YOUR SAME SELF!!! If you continue to support the Party over the People, if you take more direction from Obama than you do from Opheim, if you believe what Barack, Harry, and Nancy are telling you over what is coming from Billings, Havre, and Noxon then you should be sent back to the farm in 2012. You have a Constitutional obligation to represent US – the citizens of Montana. You are not a stupid person. There is no way that you can look at the man in mirror and honestly admit that the abomination drafted in the most partisan way imaginable, behind closed doors, in the darkest hours of the night is a good bill. You owe it to the people of Montana to go in to work tomorrow morning and begin working for us.

Today’s election should be a wake-up call for the United States Congress. Martha Coakley offered some very wise advice tonight when she said she respected the people’s voice – even if she didn’t agree with it. Beginning tomorrow morning, the people of this country are going to expect a whole new level of respect from our elected officials. We have a right to disagree with you – and to let you know our opinions. You do not have the right to ignore our concerns and belittle us with derogatory labels. We are your employers. You cannot ignore our concerns in some misguided attempt to push through an agenda that was never communicated to the voters and clearly does not have our support. You cannot pretend that a 2,000 page bill that you haven’t even read, let alone studied and understood, that has never been openly debated, that has required all sorts of bribes and back room deals in order to pass – is something that Montanans – or Americans – deserve.

Start over. Go talk to the junior senator from Massachusetts. He’s been listening – carefully. He gets it.

Just in case you’ve forgotten your Latin from high school, let me reprieve a picture I posted a while back – it translates the message pretty well:

18 thoughts on ““Verbum Sapienti Satis Est”

  1. Not so much. Even if he and Brian have inked the deal to trade places in ’12, doesn’t guarantee him the voters will forgive and forget. This is as close to a political “come to Jesus” meeting as he’s going to get. Hope he signs up for the Amen Corner soon – or it’s back to the farm.

  2. I’m betting it’s “back to the farm.” Watching the pundits this morning, the once main stream media just doesn’t seem to get the significance of the election yesterday.
    That said, I hope the GOP doesn’t think they have a walk in the park. They once were the majority and rather than do what was good for the people who elected them, decided they knew best and got the boot. It’s best they remember that lesson well!

  3. I like the Barack, Harry and Nancy with Billings, Havre and Noxon line 🙂 How long did it take to think up that one?

    It is too bad there is still so much time to the next election. The BHN crowd still has time to react /spin and the voters have a short memory. Had this election taken place about mid August it would have been much fresher in people minds in Nov.

    I just hope the R’s can field a candidate that has a chance of beating Tester in ’12. Dust off those work gloves, Jon, you’re going to need them.

  4. Eric –

    Thanks for stopping by. Glad you’re back in the blogosphere with us! Now maybe we can get Craig back and we’re in business full steam ahead! I’ll get your link back on the blogroll tonight! We also need to get you on the Dextra feed. I’ll shoot Craig an email.

  5. RP –

    What – you weren’t impressed by “Obama – Opheim” bit? Maybe I should’ve gone with Ovando… :-).

    You make a valid point about the length of time until the November elections. It’s up to us to keep the waters churned and the folks informed. Not easy – just critically important!!!!

  6. SJB –

    Hell, yes I studied Latin in high school. Cathedral/Central – in good ol’ Helena. So long ago it hadn’t been a dead language for too many years at the time though. LOL! (I also took Russian under Kathleen Ramey at HHS when I transferred across town.)

  7. If Jon Tester continues to take his orders from Harry Reid, and not us, the citizens of Montana, he deserves what he’s going to get in 2012.

    I’ve heard rumblings of a recall effort.

  8. It’s up to us to keep the waters churned and the folks informed. Not easy – just critically important!!!!

    That is SO true! We cannot let them forget!

  9. jlw –

    I think I spelled her name wrong, but I’m old enough that I don’t have to remember!

    HHS ’68 – close?

  10. Class of 71, close enough for government work. She made a terrible city commisioner as I recall.

    Did Mrs. Marshal wear her house coat to school then?

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