Do They Teach This in Liberal General School?

It’s pretty well known that most military personnel tend to be largely conservative, but last year President Obumbles managed to find the one general who voted for him in 2008 and promptly installed him as the commander in Afghanistan. Of course, he-who-would-be-PresidentoftheWorld then dithered around and dissed the general a couple of times publicly before finally giving him some – but not all – of the troops the general requested in order to get the job done.

Seems like the relationship between the General and the Commander in Chief may have gone downhill following their little Come to Jesus meeting on Air Force One, and Stan may be busted back to private in the next day or two.

I’m pretty sure that most military officers are informed about the teeny section of the code that advises them that speaking ill in public about the civilian leadership is frowned upon (Art. 88 UCMJ) – but then again maybe there’s a separate school at the War College for liberal generals where they leave this part out. Who knows? They get their weird ideas from somewhere after all. Perhaps it’s just a case of two passive-agressive personalities clashing. Whatever.

One thing’s for sure – General McChrystal sure understands guerrilla warfare – because he just snuck up and lobbed another huge IED at the White House. And although it may cost him a few stars, the good general may end up being one of this country’s greatest military heroes.

Stick around for the after-action and mop-up. The body count and collateral damage might just be interesting.

4 thoughts on “Do They Teach This in Liberal General School?

  1. This way he becomes a martyr or a mouthpiece. And I suspect that what he says won’t be in the Administration’s best interests – thank heavens!

  2. Obama needed to accept his resignation.

    Notice he was not fired. Then they would have no control of what he could say later. As long as they keep him on the payroll and threaten his retirement they can control his speech.

    However Obama’s total mismanagement led to the lack of respect. He will continue to screw up.

    The only question will be how long before he and the media blame Bush.

  3. If you are military, you NEVER buck the commander in chief in a public forum. McChrystal got just what he deserved.

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