This idiot is the product of the American public school system. From her official biography:
Peggy West was elected 12th District Supervisor in 2004 and, after being reelected in 2008, is serving her second term representing 50,000 residents on Milwaukee’s south side. She currently serves as 2nd Vice-Chair on the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors. Supervisor West also has the unique distinction of being the first Latino/Hispanic American to be elected to the Milwaukee County Board.
Supervisor West grew up in Milwaukee and graduated with a degree in Human Services from the Milwaukee Area Technical College.
The taxpayers of Milwaukee’s south side should demand a refund on their taxes.
You’re being really tough on her. Perhaps should castigate the voters. :o)
Really tough??? I think not. This is a person in a position of public trust and power who spoke out on an issue in a public forum advocating a position based on sheer ignorance and racial bias. I would submit that giving this kind of thinking any kind of “pass” is a dereliction of our civic duty.
Why castigate the voters – they’re obviously being punished enough by having this dingbat representing them. Hopefully they will learn from their mistakes – otherwise they get the government they deserve.
They are getting the government they deserve. They voted her into office twice. Now THAT’s stupid.
Symbiotic idiocy? The rest of us may be doomed.
At least she’s not one of those people who think New Mexico is part of Mexico. They are a border state as well- for those who are equally confused. If you don’t know, look at a map some time. It isn’t complicated. If Milwaukee re-elects her again, they deserve what they get.