Sweatin’ Bullets

Word on the street has it that a perennial progressive politician from the Peoples’ Republic of Helena is none too sure that the career path he had mapped out for himself isn’t about to run right smack dab into a major detour. Oh-oh…

In what was supposed to be clear sailing to a second term on the Public Service Commission where he could serve as the chair-apparent for a couple of years and then transition blissfully into the master suite at 2 N. Carson St., Ken (the Tool) Toole is suddenly coming to the realization that he maybe should have been paying a bit more attention to 2010 instead of 2012. Oops…

Seems that – like so many of the Progressive Persuasion – Kenny discounted the mood of the electorate by a percent or two too much this year and now is faced with the prospect of the same kind of unemployment that far too many Montanans have dealt with as a result of their elitist, big-government, short-sighted, anti-prosperity, business-killing agenda. Awww….

While Kenny worshipped at the altar of anthropomorphic global warming, endorsing high-priced environmentally questionable green energy policies that increased costs for Montana consumers, those same consumers were watching him play the same old shell game. With one stroke he was leading the charge to enact a new law to publish the private financial information of hard-working private citizens, and at the same time he supports granting a big interim rate increase to the largest public utility even before determining whether it is justified or not. That kind of inconsistent, indefensible class warfare often results in significant collateral damage.

And it appears that Kenny is standing real close to the bull’s eye.

Close enough to catch some flak anyway.

No wonder he’s getting nervous.

This probably won’t make him feel any better:

4 thoughts on “Sweatin’ Bullets

  1. Heck, I can read almost daily that Mr. Dennison has been doing his part to keep his mate Ken Toole in office. Too bad it might not work (this time). Vote Gallagher PSC!

  2. So THAT’S why Toole has been in the news so much lately…he’s bought and paid for! He even got his own guest editorial. I wonder how long he’ll be paying back all the favors.

    We HAVE to get this guy out of office!

  3. I run into Kenny from time to time and he ain’t a happy camper I can tell you that. He’s getting the message from the folks in the district that this is not a good year for Democrats and he’s nervous. GOOD! I’d be nervous too if the ship my retirement portfolio was sailing on was coming in sooner than I’d planned…….let’s hope it’s back to the Human Right Network from whence ol’ Kenny came, the guy is nothing more than an empty suit on the PSC, talking the ‘green line’ and it’s time to retire him from politics for good.

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