Conservatives Strike Back

The kerfluffle over the mean, tasteless, and disgusting attacks on Sarah Palin and her daughters by David Letterman hasn’t gone away the way such things usually do. And that’s a good thing. Over the past several years, certain groups have yelled long and hard enough that they are rarely the targets of gratuitous hate speech in public. White women, conservatives, and Christians still seem to be fair targets to some. Sarah Palin – who happens to be all three – has been a favorite of the Left as a person about whom the most vile and inaccurate statements can be made with little or no consequence.

Until now.

Finally, the public is reaching the point where enough is enough. Calls for boycotts against CBS, the Letterman Show, and the show’s sponsors are going viral on internet sites, blogs, and emails. And they don’t seem to be diminishing. Today’s offerings are taking things to new levels of creativity. Best of all – those who are offended by Letterman’s pathetic attempt at humor are turning his genre against him and his supporters. I share these with you:






This is just the beginning. The floodgates are open. There will be more. And maybe enough smart people will finally get the point that tacky doesn’t sell.

H/T HillBuzz

One thought on “Conservatives Strike Back

  1. The kids should never be a target. Making jokes at an adult’s expense is expected. Involving the children is classless.

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