Lord of the Flies Posted on June 18, 2009 by Auntie Lib Too bizarre on too many levels. We don’t know Jack.
Did you know PETA was pissed and sent Obama a flytrap so he can set the lovely creature free outside without killing it next time? Reply ↓
Upon watching the clip, I noticed how Barry held his arm still. How he focused his gaze upon the fly. How – after intense concentration – he swatted the bug with his hand. Mostly, I noticed the delight in his eyes as he killed that fly. This is an evil man we are dealing with! Reply ↓
Actually I think your title is more informative then the video.
Did you know PETA was pissed and sent Obama a flytrap so he can set the lovely creature free outside without killing it next time?
Upon watching the clip, I noticed how Barry held his arm still.
How he focused his gaze upon the fly.
How – after intense concentration – he swatted the bug with his hand.
Mostly, I noticed the delight in his eyes as he killed that fly.
This is an evil man we are dealing with!